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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

From Washington DC to Washington State: “Free The People” screened at Whitman

Shira Nudler, Campus Life Reporter October 19, 2023

During an incredibly busy week for Whitman students, between midterms, rallies and settling back in after October break, students found their way into the Maxey auditorium on Oct. 12th and 13th to watch...

In skepticism of the DEI industry

Fielding Schaefer, Senior May 4, 2023

Writer’s note: in the spirit of public engagement, I welcome any criticism of the ideas in this piece. Ridicule on the sole basis that I am indeed a privileged white male may only strengthen the op-ed’s...

Illustration by Holly VanVoorhis

Crossfire: Power and Privilege attendance

Bex Heimbrock and Kaitlin Cho February 23, 2023

  The Problem with Power and Privilege - Bex Heimbrock The Power and Privilege Symposium (P&P) started, like most co-opted neoliberal phenomena, as a protest. Before P&P, in 2006,...

Photo contributed by Peter Shultz.

Pandemics, protests and politics: Melissa Harris-Perry delivers talk on race

Grace Fassio, Staff Reporter November 19, 2020

The Race, Violence and Health academic theme group hosted a talk by Professor of Politics and International Affairs Melissa Harris-Perry entitled "Blackness 2020: Pandemic, Protest and Politics" on Monday,...

Illustration by Hayden Cooper.

Shame in the anti-racist movement

Dana Walden, Opinion Editor September 24, 2020

Shame, Shame, Shame: we all got it, and we all feel it from time to time. Shame is not a bad emotion to feel; in fact, it can be helpful and productive under the right circumstances. We should feel a little...

Gen Z: We’re doing more than you think

Ava Liponis, Columnist September 24, 2020

Gen Z is the largest and most racially diverse generation in the United States; we distrust power and dislike authority; we are masters of technology and pioneers of social media. With that said, Gen Z...

Photo contributed by ?.

Controversial social media posts cause Whitman Athletics backlash

Tate Cadang, Staff Reporter September 17, 2020

Recent social media posts by the athletics department of Whitman College have produced negative feedback from alumni and current students despite the intention to demonstrate support of the Black Lives...

"No justice, no peace": protesting for Black lives in downtown Walla Walla

“No justice, no peace”: protesting for Black lives in downtown Walla Walla

Rosa Woolsey, Staff Reporter June 4, 2020

Lindsey Luna was driving home on Friday morning when she saw a woman standing at Land Title Plaza in downtown Walla Walla, holding a sign that read “justice." Luna, a Latina community advocate, decided...

Editorial: In support of the Black Lives Matter movement

Content Warning: This editorial includes discussion of racially-motivated violence and police brutality. The same applies to many of the links. In the past week, cities have erupted in protest in response...

Illustration by Abby Takahashi

March for our Lives and White Supremacy

Rina Cakrani, Columnist April 5, 2018

The March for our Lives was hypocritical, despite the good intentions and message behind it. The conditions from which it emerged and the positive media coverage that it received due to the demographics...

From left to right, Associate Professor of French Jack Iverson, Associate Professor of Geology Kirsten Nicolaysen, Marc Go  ‘20, Senior Ad- junct Professor of English Jenna Terry, Assistant Director of Academic Resources Janet Mallen, Associate Professor of Astronomy Nathaniel Paust and Erin Pahlke. Panelists discussed how their awareness of power and privilege in uenced their parenting decisions.

Who is the Symposium for? P&P Grapples with Theme of Resistance and Question of Purpose

Rylee Neville, Staff Reporter March 1, 2018

On February 22, 2018, the annual Power and Privilege Symposium invited students to examine systems of power in society and brought attention to the manifestation of racism and other forms of oppression...

Lisa Perfetti and Kazi Joshua

Dialogue and Difference: Race and Ethnic Studies Class Leans Into Discomfort

Kate Grumbles, Staff Reporter February 8, 2018

Each Monday night from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., 19 students take part in a class offered for the first time at Whitman called “Dialogue, Difference, and Social Justice.” This class explores how different...

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