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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Where Your ASWC Fees Go: Explained

Arham Khan, not a narc April 25, 2024

Glance at your semester bill - past the gym fees you never use because climbing the Hall of Science stairs counts as cardio - and you’ll find the ASWC fees. Ever wonder where all that money goes? Let’s...

Unrealized Gain of $74,000 from ASWC Investments

Oliver Kaufman, News Reporter November 9, 2023

In 2018, the Associated Students of Whitman College (ASWC)’s senate invested roughly $700,000. About 20% of that went into TIAA-CREF, a bond fund, while the other approximately 80% went into Trillium...

Illustration by Paloma Link

ASWC Mulls Over Pros and Cons of Removing Vending Machines

Sebastian Squire, News Editor September 21, 2023

During a Sept. 10 Associated Students of Whitman College (ASWC) Senate meeting, representatives discussed possibly eliminating vending machines. This conversation comes as Whitman College moves...

Whitman Events Board Shapes Student Programming

Georgia Lyon March 10, 2016
Whitman Events Board (WEB) is the student-run group in charge of programming on campus.

Tim Reed on the Presidential Search and College Budget

Abby Seethoff April 15, 2014
Please enjoy this excerpt from an e-mail ASWC President Tim Reed sent to members of senate over spring break.
Yearbook Remains Unfunded After First Budget Appeal

Yearbook Remains Unfunded After First Budget Appeal

Shelly Le April 4, 2013
After debate last Sun. March 31 at the ASWC Senate meeting regarding the fate of Waiilatpu, Whitman's yearbook, ASWC Finance Committee has agreed to keep the yearbook running for another year by amending the organization's budget.
Photos by cade beck.

ASWC Debates Fate of Waiilatpu

Sarah Cornett April 1, 2013
After being given two percent of its ASWC funding request, Waiilatpu, Whitman's yearbook organization, struggled to fight for itself at ASWC Senate meeting last Sunday night, March 31.

ASWC budget allocates more money to media organizations

Karah Kemmerly April 21, 2011
Thousands of dollars from next year's student fees were divvied up when the ASWC Senate passed the 2011-12 ASWC budget in their meeting on Sunday, April 17.
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