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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLIV, Issue 10
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Praxis in Practice: Dialog at Whitman

Sebastian Squire and Nazaaha Penick October 26, 2023

Following clashes between Hamas and Israel, student groups at Whitman have led difficult conversations about the conflict. Whitman Students for Justice in Palestine has held multiple teach-ins and faculty...

AAUP faculty requiring periodic review for the president and provost

Natalie Comerford, News Reporter April 6, 2023

Editor's Note: This article has been edited to amend language inaccuracies differentiating the faculty of WCAAUP, WCAAUP and the national AAUP. Following a meeting on March 8, 2023, the faculty of...

Summer advising changes spark conversation about shared governance

Sara Marshall, News Reporter May 5, 2022

In response to concerns about the preparedness of incoming students during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, the college implemented academic advising for first-year students during the summer....

AAUP review raises questions about Whitman’s finances and values

Rosa Woolsey and Grace Jackson March 3, 2022

This is the second article in The Wire’s ongoing coverage of the WCAAUP external financial analysis.  The 2020-21 Financial Sustainability Review (FSR) was intended to prepare Whitman for financial...

AAUP report argues that FSR cuts were unnecessary, hurt faculty

AAUP report argues that FSR cuts were unnecessary, hurt faculty

Grace Jackson, News Editor February 24, 2022

A report commissioned by the Whitman chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) concluded that many of the cuts made in last year's financial sustainability review were unnecessary.  The...

The search continues: Whitman’s hunt for the next president

Sara Marshall, News Reporter November 18, 2021

With Kathy Murray set to retire at the end of the academic year, the Board of Trustees and Presidential Search Committee is in the midst of their closed search for Whitman’s next president.  Given...

Debt Reveal Day uncovers Whitman College’s institutional debt

Alasdair Padman, Editor-in-Chief April 15, 2021

While student debt and loan cancellation have become a part of mainstream political discourse, institutional debt has, for the most part, remained in the shadows. In an effort to bring visibility to institutional...

AAUP pushes for “open search” process for new college president

Rosa Woolsey, Staff Reporter April 15, 2021

The Board of Trustees will soon begin their search for a successor to President Kathy Murray, who announced that she would be retiring from Whitman after the 2021-2022 school year. Arielle Cooley,...

“Missing the forest for the trees”: FSR incites faculty anger over Humanities cuts

Rosa Woolsey, Staff Reporter February 18, 2021

The Financial Sustainability Review shared by President Kathy Murray on Tuesday, Feb. 2 sent ripples of concern throughout the Whitman community. Liberal arts colleges across the nation face a threatening...

“I think I have a right during a pandemic to protect myself however I see fit”: Faculty members conflicted over inability to change method of instruction

Emma Fletcher-Frazer, Sean Gannon, and Alasdair Padman December 24, 2020

On Oct. 8, the faculty received a survey requiring that they report their teaching method preferences — in-person, hybrid or online — for each of their Spring 2021 classes. But recently, faculty members...

Photo contributed by Whitman AAUP.

AAUP responds to administration’s decision to end multi-year contracts for non-tenure track faculty

Abby Malzewski, Staff Reporter November 5, 2020

On Oct. 12, Whitman’s chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) released a statement calling for the reinstatement of multi-year contracts for contingent, non-tenure track...

Infographic compiled by Michelle Shin.

$19 million down in revenue, Whitman halts mandatory furloughs in favor of tiered cuts

Lena Friedman, Staff Reporter September 10, 2020

Facing a projected $19 million loss in revenue for the 2020-2021 school year, Whitman College announced tiered salary reductions, with top earners taking the biggest hit — quelling summer faculty and...

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