verbosefeminist: To combat men’s efforts to silence the female voice, I hereby promise to make my tweets as lengthy as possible. I also promise to invoke elements of feminist theory because I feel I must take ownership of my educa…
verbosefeminist: …tion. I studied gender studies at a patriarchal, heteronormative college, and I now plan to take advantage of the few things I gained while I was enmeshed in one of the many male attempts to…
verbosefeminist: …subjugate women in the name of “liberal arts.” #GenderStudies #ClaimingMyOppression #liberated
verbosefeminist: I just had the epiphany that separating public restrooms by gender is merely another effort by men to penetrate female space (like the mall!!!) and oppress women by providing us with “separate…
verbosefeminist: …but equal” accommodations. Gonna protest by using the gender-neutral family restroom. #StopTheSegregation #SlamminThePatriarchy #liberated
verbosefeminist: Just occurred to me that the very name of Victoria’s Secret is an effort to silence discussions about sexuality and women’s bodies. #VictoriasPublicAnnouncement #SoManyMallEpiphanies #ButILoveMeSome5DollarThongs #liberated
verbosefeminist: Calling a football a ball is another way that the male body dominates our culture and erases women’s bodies. #DontTellMeItLooksLikeATesticle #FootVulva #VulvaBowl2015 #liberated
verbosefeminist: Told my boyfriend to make me a sandwich. #SwappinGenderRoles #SmashinThePatriarchy #liberated
verbosefeminist: Just masturbated. All by myself. #LoveDatSingleLife #ImNoDamselInDistress #liberated