With housing and roommate situations becoming less of a question mark and more of an exclamation point, The Backpage has decided to come up with a list to help our fellow stragglers who don’t know where/with whom they’ll be living. (Disclaimer: Choose roommates at your own risk. The Backpage is not responsible for murderous roommates or roommates who constantly want to “settle” “Catan”.)
Who to avoid:
-Guy who loves all his classes
-Guy who hates all his classes
-Porn connoisseurs
-Dude who showers once a week
-Anyone who can’t hold their liquor
Who to aim for:
-People who turn 21 before you
-People with large DVD collections
-People with hot friends
-Anyone who relieves stress by cleaning
-Dude with car
-Dude with gaming console (and is willing to share it)
-Girl who took the class last semester and can help you