Evan Kleiner ’14, undeclared major:
“I think if it’s the most people who are pretentious, that might be chemistry. All the chemistry majors think their major is harder than everyone else’s, which is partly true, I think.”
Ally Gibson ’13, biology major:
“I mean, I feel like it’s easy to single out the philosophy majors because that’s who I’ve had pretentious people in class with.”
Kyle Scott ’12, philosophy major:
“Politics, unquestionably. I think politics is the most pretentious major because, at this age, people are just trying to figure out how to learn; our job is to just be, but instead of being students and encouraging a learning perspective, oftentimes the politics department and the people in it are forced to make opinions left and right before they can develop a sense of learning and wisdom.”
Stephanie Viers ’14, undeclared:
“Environmental studies seems kind of pretentious because everyone is like, ‘Oh, I’m better than you; I know more about saving the Earth and sustainability,’ and they think that they can, like, change the world and that that’s more important than everyone else’s major.”
Chelsea Kern ’13, English major:
“As an English major, I actually think that English is the most pretentious major just because it’s devoted to what humans have produced in their leisure time.”
Katie Haaheim ’13, English major:
“On the surface, philosophy would be the most pretentious of majors because it’s sort of like, ‘I’m going to take this assumption that people deeply care about my conclusions on questions.'”
Carver Marshall ’13, history major:
“I mean, some of the most pretentious people I know about their major are chemistry [majors] because they’re like, ‘Oh, my major is so hard; I spend so much time working on it compared to all you guys that don’t do anything for your majors.’ I guess from my point of view that’d be the most pretentious just because they make it sound the hardest.”
T. • Sep 15, 2014 at 2:48 pm
English majors have some of the largest egos ever graced on planet earth. Larger than pseudo-intellectual artists.
I’ve met philosophy majors and practicing artists. They all seem more down to earth than the English majors who seem to think they are best at communicating ideas in freakishly verbose sentences. Their aim is, if they can communicate the one-liner with the length of a book, they are top-notch. What an intelligent fool to complicate matters. Also, if there’s any major that doesn’t speak humanly comprehensible English, it’s the English major, ironically.
Not just pretentious, English majors tend also be narcissistic to think anybody else cares to read your paper/article/academic book.
Sean • Feb 22, 2012 at 6:42 pm
I think Pilots, or aviation students tend to be very pretentious. I dated a pilot, and I was surrounded by them for a year. It gets very bad. They have very large egos.