On November 16th, the ASWC Senate discussed senate procedures, further amended club bylaws, considered a hefty SLO fund request, ratified two clubs, and passed a resolution by acclamation in memoriam of Parker Moore, a Linfield College student who died on Saturday night.
Both the South Asian Students Association and Whitman Teaches the Movement are now ASWC-recognized clubs.
Additionally, the ASWC by-laws now mandate that if a club representative cannot attend her or his assigned budget training session, he or she must schedule a makeup meeting with the Club Director or Finance Chair within 30 days.
Discussion of a $2,162 request from the Student Learning Organization (SLO) fund for Spring Break Service Trips comprised the bulk of the evening. Various senators expressed opposition to this request because it would have depleted most of the SLO fund in one stroke. Eventually the Senate concluded that the request remained worthy of funding but amended it to split the allocation of money between the SLO fund and the Travel & Student Development fund.