Every week, The Pioneer searches out Whitties who bring an extra splash of fashion consciousness and sartorial daring to campus. This week’s Style Spotlight: First-year religion major Lucy Vollbrecht.

Style Soundbites
My shoes I found at the local thrift store where I live called Good Cheer; I live on Whidbey Island, which is outside of Seattle. They’re actually a boy’s shoe, and they cost $6 but they’re originally from Nordstrom, so they’re a real find. My pants are corduroy and they’re from a consignment shop in Seattle called Buffalo Exchange. My shirt is originally from Eddie Bauer, but it’s also from the thrift store from my town. The cardigan is, like, remade from an old grandpa sweatshirt, and it’s from a thrift store too. My bracelet is from New Mexico, and it’s a traditional Catholic saints bracelet, and the idea is that you’re supposed to wear it all the time and then when the stickers fall off, then you get to make a wish. My bag is an old camera case that I got from a garage sale in my neighborhood and it used to belong to a good friend of mine who is a wonderful artist.
I have a sidecut, which is, like, a new European trend, and I got it this summer in Sweden. I was inspired by one of my best Swedish friends to get it cut this way. I’m really excited about having my hair cut short, because I had long hair for a really long time and I’ve always really felt like I should be a short-hair kind of person. It was really pretty scary and edgy for me to cut it short and now I feel like I’ve liberated the real me. I think I’ll keep it short for the rest of my life.
I think putting an outfit together really isn’t as hard as people make it out to be, but I think the most important thing is color coordination. Right now what I’m wearing is green and red together, which is normally a complete no, but by the color tones, it works just fine, it’s not like total Christmas. I also like texture, cause now I’m wearing cords, and I’m wearing some wool, and I’m also wearing: this is kind of faded, kind of soft and I like that: the leather.