Every Christmas the Weasley family gathers in their living room to listen to the latest hits on the Witching Hour. However, since the mysterious disappearance of the hosts of the Witching Hour from the Wizarding Wireless Network Studios in Diagon Alley in 1998, Christmas has not been the same. Yet recent reports of wizard rock on the radio suggest the two hosts are alive and rockin’. They appear to have relocated to Walla Walla, Washington and have taken the aliases of Mehera “This Guitar is a Horcrux” Nori and Sara “We R Wizards” Rasmussen. Neither Mehera nor Sara are entirely certain how they ended up among muggles, but they continue to celebrate the tales of their good friend Harry Potter and his triumph over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. In January of 2010, Sara and Mehera revived their wizard rock radio program for the sake of maintaining wizard culture, and for the musical enjoyment of muggles. Wizard rock is an all-encompassing genre of rock, folk, techno, rap, and lyrics written to the tune of J.K. Rowling. Though Sara and Mehera are far from their home, the Weasleys are pleased to have the show back on the air (and on iTunes) once again.
Wizard Favorites:
“I am a Wizard” by Harry and the Potters
“Teenage Werewolf” by the Remus Lupins
“My Dad is Rich” by Draco and the Malfoys
“Ginny Gets Around” by Gred and Forge
“Voldemort, Peace Off!” by the Basilisk in Your Pasta
Catch The Witching Hour on Tuesdays from 3-4 p.m. on 90.5 FM Walla Walla, streaming online at KWCW.net, or as a podcast on iTunes. Visit our Facebook page or thewitchinghourkwcw.blogspot.com for more information!