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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Life After Whitman; Whitties in Walla Walla

Sylvie Corwin, Staff Reporter September 24, 2018

Graduation day, for many Whitman students, is not the end of living and working in Walla Walla or at Whitman. Every year some alumni stay in, or return to, Walla Walla. “When my class graduated people...

Illustration by Nathaly Perez


Maddie Ott, America's Next Top Waddle September 23, 2018

WHITMAN CAMPUS—Navigating the maze of small talk remains a laughable topic year after year at First-Year Orientation. However, if you enter Whitman campus surrounded by an abundance of familiar faces,...

Nose Piercings Now Mandatory for Whitman Students

Rebecca Gluck, Complicit March 1, 2018

You may have heard that Whitman College recently made some changes to its college application requirements. For one, submitting standardized test scores is now optional. Students no longer have to feel...

Whitties Helping Non-Whitties

Megumi Rierson, staff writer April 28, 2016

As a humor writer for the Whitman College Pioneer (we’d love input on a less-racist name change, by the way), I am a vociferous proponent for making fun of the Whitman student body. Every day, I am bombarded...

Autism Awareness at Whitman

Georgia Lyon April 7, 2016
Autism Awareness Month provides the opportunity to reflect on autism and how autistic students are supported on campus.
Whitties Helping Whitties Get Laid

Whitties Helping Whitties Get Laid

Austin Biehl, staff writer February 11, 2016

Illustration by Taylor Penner-Ash. Due to the fact that Whitman College is scenically located smack-dab in the middle of God-fuck-nowhere, the students here often struggle with finding sexual partners...

Know Your Campus Cults!

Know Your Campus Cults!

Dana Thompson November 17, 2011
There's cults all over this campus. Everywhere. And you might be in one. Which?
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