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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Be nice to vegans

Victoria Helmer, Columnist November 12, 2020

Vegans have a bad rap, but I think they’re just a misunderstood bunch. Tino Mori, a Wire opinion section alum, wrote a wonderful article in 2015 where they recognized that veganism, while morally applaudable,...

Whitman unveils new Environmental Studies–Hypocrisy major to accommodate vegan, H&M-wearing students

AE, Hamburglar’s Cousin February 5, 2018

Thursday, 9 a.m.  PST Whitman College has officially unveiled its new major, Environmental Studies-Hypocrisy, in order to accommodate a growing population of ES students who wish to discuss environmental...

Are Vegans Smug Enough?

Tino Mori, Columnist November 12, 2015
Don’t let the persona of the vegan stereotype dressed in an organic hemp sweater distract you from their message.
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