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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 4
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Students Enter a Fantasy Realm at the Autumn Ball

Pendhay Singay Yeshay, Campus Life Reporter November 14, 2024

The sound of sweet music makes it around Reid as the Ballroom transforms into a fantasy kingdom full of life. As students dressed up in their finest tunics, dance and chatter added to the room’s cozy...

Student Activities Shine at Family Weekend

Student Activities Shine at Family Weekend

Isabel Mathy, Campus Life Reporter October 31, 2024

Whitman students and their families spent the weekend pumpkin carving, being radio hosts, talking to student leadership, watching sports and seeing plays. This year's Family Weekend was full of events...

Greek Life: Independence and community

Charlie Hunter, Campus Life Reporter October 20, 2022

For many students, exactly what goes on in the big houses along East Issacs Avenue and downstairs in Prentiss Hall is a mystery. Greek life has been a part of Whitman's campus for years, but with a minority...

Photo by Chloe Collins.

Q&A with Niqo Bullock: Starting up Student Activities on Campus

Tenzin Uden, Campus Life Reporter September 15, 2022

The Office of Student Activities recently welcomed Niqo Bullock as the new Associate Director of Student Activities. Bullock will be tasked with supporting and assisting organization leaders with training...

Reconsidering Sustainability

Dana Walden, Opinion Columnist November 2, 2018

A few weeks ago, the Wire published a letter written by a former Whitman student, Vivian Voth, in which Voth details why she left Whitman. In her view, the college is not as sustainable as it could be,...

Ducks Hunters 'Quack' Under Pressure

Ducks Hunters ‘Quack’ Under Pressure

Melina Hughes April 17, 2014
Some say that the amount of ducks you find have a lot to do with your worth as a student. To that I say "waddle it matter?"
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