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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Kai Bowen

Wēpa gains sentience

Ian Lewis, loyal servant of our printer overlords February 23, 2023

To the shock of the Whitman community and science at large, Wepa has gained sentience and become aware of its own existence.  While the exact circumstances of the cloud-based campus printing service's...

Is Recycling Really As Important As We Think It Is?

Olivia Gilbert, Columnist December 3, 2015
If we are to have any hope of leaving behind a habitable world for future generations, we need to make lifestyle changes that are truly environmentally impactful—and we need to be brave enough to spread the word.

Fast Facts: The future of printing

Lachlan Johnson March 5, 2015

Fast Facts: The future of printing Many students uses GoPrint to bring handouts and reading to class, but change is coming. User Support Services Consultant Cate Lyon and Campus Sustainability Coordinator...

Sheehan Gallery showcases visiting artists' interdisciplinary artworks

Sheehan Gallery showcases visiting artists’ interdisciplinary artworks

Geoffrey Leach February 26, 2015

On Feb. 23 the next art exhibition will arrive at the Sheehan Gallery. While artist lectures have taken place all year as part of The Hand and The Machine series, this will be the first time that the...

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