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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLV, Issue 4
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

A bird's eye view of Copenhagen from the Round Tower.

Getting in Touch with my Other Heritage

Aleida Fernandez March 12, 2014
Growing up I have always been identified - and truthfully, often have identified myself - as Cuban. I am one half Cuban from my dad's side, and from that half I inherited my outward appearance: olive skin, almond-shaped eyes, thick eyebrows, "Latina curves," loads of leg hair. I am also one half Western European. Start in Germany and move west and I've got a drop of blood from practically all of those countries, the largest from Denmark. My "Latina look," however, put me in an Hispanic corner that I was not ashamed of but was also not 100 percent comfortable with.

Pac-12 Football Getting Too Good?

Dylan Snyder December 5, 2013
Pac-12 football is steadily improving and gaining on the SEC, but is the conference getting too good to give Oregon or Stanford a shot in the national title game?
Matthew Morris.  Photos contributed by Morriss, this photo courtesy of Nathan Liechty.

Whitman Climber Granted Opportunity to Pursue Dreams

Tristan Gavin February 21, 2013
Senior Matthew Morriss has done things in the past six months most Whitman students only dream of. Not only is he spending time climbing and skiing in some of the most remote and beautiful areas of the region, but he isn't paying to do it, either.
Photo by Halley McCormick.

Farming an Endowment: Whitman Landholdings Support Wind Turbines, Education

Allison Work November 26, 2012
The drive east along Highway 12 from the Tri-Cities back towards Walla Walla and the Whitman campus rarely fails to amaze me. At the left turn by Wallula Gap, I stare west at the vast expanse of land carved out by the ancient Missoula floods, captured by the exposed magnificence of the land in all its contours and forms and patterns.

Ellen Bishop pens field guide to Northwest geology

Molly Johanson February 9, 2012
Visiting Assisting Professor of Environmental Studies & Geology Ellen Bishop's upcoming book "Field Guide to the Pacific North West Geology" will be published in 2013. In it, Bishop intends to tell the stories and histories of the land surrounding Whitman.
Credit: Faith Bernstein

Dan Terrio appointed new Chief Information Officer

Karah Kemmerly September 8, 2011
After a long and in-depth search process last spring, Dan Terrio has been appointed new Chief Information Officer at Whitman. He is the successor of previous CIO Keiko Pitter, who retired last year. Terrio has been working in the field of technology for more than 20 years, most recently as CIO of Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Ore.
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