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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Luke Hampton

ASWC Passes Act to Encourage More Student-Taught Classes

Lachlan Johnson April 25, 2013
ASWC Senate passed an act on April 14 to make it easier for student-teachers to apply for funding to teach a class.
Illustration by Tyler Schuh

ASWC Forms New Committee to Discuss Long-Term Goals

Daniel Kim February 21, 2013
Although ASWC feels confident that they are addressing many of students' short-term goals for the College, they have begun plans to create a student committee to discuss some long-term goals for Whitman and ASWC.

ASWC Town Hall Provides Forum for Student Voices

Evan Taylor October 31, 2012
The first ASWC town hall meeting of the semester was held in the Reid Ballroom Thursday, Oct. 25 and was open to the general student body. ASWC senators, club representatives and other students were given the opportunity to bring up any issues or questions they had about ASWC or the college in general.

New grievance policy provides students an outlet

Emily Lin-Jones September 13, 2012
According to the Statement of Rights included in the Student Handbook, all students have “the right to redress grievances"—but it wasn’t until this year that they were given an official means to do so. The college has published online this year an interim grievance policy, which gives students, staff and faculty the ability to formally lodge a complaint against another member of the Whitman community.

Behroozian elected ASWC president, other executive council winners announced

Josh Goodman April 9, 2012
For the first time in recent memory, the Whitman student body elected a rising junior to ASWC president.
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