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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Wire Watch Apr. 6-15

Wire Watch Apr. 6-15

Gillian Mackay-Brown, Managing Editor April 6, 2023

Thursday, April 6   First ASWC Debate 6 p.m., Reid Basement Candidates for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Chair, Student Development Chair and Finance Chair will be debating. Snacks...

Walla Walla's Got Talent: A New Tradition

Walla Walla’s Got Talent: A New Tradition

Zoe Brown, Staff Reporter March 8, 2018

Whitman students and Walla Walla community members alike gathered in Cordiner Hall on Friday, March 2 for Kappa Alpha Theta’s annual philanthropy event, Walla Walla’s Got Talent. The event is a...

Photo by Caroline Ashford Arya

Homemade and From the Heart

Afton Weaver, Staff Reporter December 7, 2017

The eigth annual Winter Craft fair took place this past Monday, December 4 in Reid Ballroom. As attendees sipped hot cider, they were able to appreciate and purchase art, handmade items and baked goods...

Theta raises whopping amount for CASA

Geoffrey Leach March 12, 2015

On March 7, it was once again time for Kappa Alpha Theta's annual fundraiser, Walla Walla's Best Dance Crew. Each year, Kappa Alpha Theta nationally raises money to support the Court Appointed Special...

All Students for Consent Gains National Attention

All Students for Consent Gains National Attention

Sarah Cornett October 17, 2013
Whitman's All Students for Consent club won the Consent Revolution Awards, put on by awareness and anti-rape media outlet Force. ASC was featured in prominent publications, including the Huffington Post and Bitch Magazine, for their recent win and their "Ask for It" Campaign.
Student Groups Prepare for Choral Contest

Student Groups Prepare for Choral Contest

Serena Runyan April 25, 2013
For the competitors, Choral Contest is more than just a show; it's the culmination of months of effort.
The Greeks in Walla Walla

The Greeks in Walla Walla

Quin Nelson March 21, 2013
The bustling Whitman College campus is bookended by two essential social hubs: Prentiss Hall, home of Whitman's four sororities, to the south, and Whitman’s four fraternity houses to the north. These Greek chapters have peripheral locations but are of central importance to life at Whitman, with occasional recklessness that divide campus over controversial issues as well as tremendous fellowship that brings Whitties together. To properly understand how the Greek system has taken such a strong foothold in Whitman's social life, it’s imperative to start from the beginning.

Senior Leads Annual Drive for Letters of Gratitude

Emily Lin-Jones November 15, 2012
Senior Lea Baker wrote a letter to her boyfriend going through U.S. Army basic training every day of her freshman year. When he couldn’t receive mail, she wrote to other soldiers deployed overseas—and enlisted fellow Whitman students to help. “The first year I did Letters of Gratitude it was kind of like a selfish act; it was like, I can’t write letters to him so I’m going to write letters to troops overseas,” said Baker, who started the project her sophomore year. As part of the Letters of Gratitude campaign, Thetas have been tabling in Reid and encouraging passersby to contribute a message to U.S. troops overseas. Thetas pictured are Cailtyn Yoshina (center), Emily Grossman (with blue scarf), and Andrea Horwege (far right). Photos by Allie Felt. With help from members of Kappa Alpha Theta, Baker is tabling in Reid every day through Nov. 16, inviting Whitties to pen a letter or two to a soldier stationed abroad.

Kappa Alpha Theta fundraiser reaches out to Walla Walla community

Patricia Vanderbilt March 1, 2012
Twelve dance groups made up of Whitman students as well as dancers from Walla Walla will showcase their talents at Walla Walla's Best Dance Crew, to be held at 7 p.m. Cordiner Hall on Friday March 2. The event is the newest evolution of the yearly Kappa Alpha Theta fundraiser Cakes for CASA. But this year, there will be no cakes.

10 Facts about Whitman’s Schwa

Molly Johanson December 1, 2011
Fun facts about Whitman's premier co-ed a capella group.

Self-esteem boosted through Greek life involvement

September 29, 2011
To be at Whitman College is to find yourself interacting on a daily basis with some of the smartest, kindest, most outgoing, and most driven women you've ever met before—and to be in a sorority means getting the chance to form close relationships with many of those women that you would not necessarily have otherwise met.
illustration: Alex Bailey

Thetas “Pack the Backpack” for local kids in need

Emily Lin-Jones September 15, 2011
Whitman's Kappa Alpha Theta chapter is ushering in the new academic year with “Pack the Backpack," a school supply drive for local foster children.
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