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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Danita Ryan brings Native American issues to Whitman campus

Danita Ryan brings Native American issues to Whitman campus

Missy Gerlach, Staff Reporter December 1, 2016

The Navajo greeting “Ya’ahteeh,” translates to, “With all that is good in the universe, I greet you.” It was with these words that Danita Ryan began her talk on Monday, Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. in Kimball...

On Standing Up and Saying “I Can’t Take it Anymore”

Nikolaus Kennelly, Columnist October 8, 2016

It is a strange contradiction of higher education that colleges serve as both nesting grounds for the capital R Radical Left—Democracy Now-watching, Dissent-reading, Marxist-Hegelian-Zizekian psycho-blatherers...

A bird's eye view of Copenhagen from the Round Tower.

Getting in Touch with my Other Heritage

Aleida Fernandez March 12, 2014
Growing up I have always been identified - and truthfully, often have identified myself - as Cuban. I am one half Cuban from my dad's side, and from that half I inherited my outward appearance: olive skin, almond-shaped eyes, thick eyebrows, "Latina curves," loads of leg hair. I am also one half Western European. Start in Germany and move west and I've got a drop of blood from practically all of those countries, the largest from Denmark. My "Latina look," however, put me in an Hispanic corner that I was not ashamed of but was also not 100 percent comfortable with.
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