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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Meg Cuca

Dear Mom Column

Mom, Advice Columnist September 29, 2016

Do you miss your mom when you’re at Whitman? Or do you just wish you had a mom at school? Someone who was here to answer your questions and offer you advice? Are there some questions you just can’t...

Illustration by Meg Cuca

It’s okay to ask for help sometimes

Alya Bohr September 22, 2016

I hate asking for help. Seriously, it’s the worst. If I ever happen to think that I might need to lean on someone, my brain quickly takes care of that nasty little impulse by gently reminding me...

Help Birkenstock the Marginally Less Fortunate

Trevor Lewis, staff writer February 4, 2016

Did you know that somewhere on a liberal arts college campus every day, a hipster is forced to decide between donning the footwear of his choice and purchasing yet another pair of electric blue corduroy...

Holiday Techie Tips

Elena Aragon December 8, 2011
It's that time of year when things start breaking in the middle of finals and your life seems like a disaster and you don't know what to do... but have no fear! The HOLIDAY TECHIE is here!
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