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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

The absurdity of active shooter drills becoming part of young students’ lives

Nana Kumagai, Columnist September 23, 2021

Recently I caught the news of an ongoing lawsuit between a gunmaker company and the victims of the Sandy Hook Shooting, suddenly bringing back the memories of lockdown drills in elementary school that...

Illustration by Abby Takahashi

March for our Lives and White Supremacy

Rina Cakrani, Columnist April 5, 2018

The March for our Lives was hypocritical, despite the good intentions and message behind it. The conditions from which it emerged and the positive media coverage that it received due to the demographics...

Better Understanding Gun Control

Josh Karpatkin, Columnist March 8, 2018

Three weeks ago, the news broke out that another heartbreaking mass shooting had taken place at a high school in Florida. As the staggering death toll began to make itself known around the country, the...

Cops Call Crook’s Creators

Clara Wheeler, Cub Scout March 9, 2017

Due to the recent ineffectiveness of gun control laws to keep dangerous firearms out of the hands of criminals, police all around the country have started taking more drastic measures to keep the streets...

A Walla Walla resident trap shoots against a rainbow backdrop.  Photo by Tywen Kelly.

The Great Gun Debate

Olivia Gilbert, Feature Editor November 3, 2016

Gun control has been one of the most contentious issues in the 2016 election cycle. Increased awareness of police violence against communities of color, near daily mass shootings, and the alarming figure...

Illustration by Kelsey Lund

Lives of Black Youth Are Disposable in America

Gladys Gitau February 27, 2013
In light of recent mass shootings, it seems as if America is really adamant on preventing the slaughter of innocent lives. However, hundreds of black shooting deaths continue to go unreported in the mainstream media, suggesting that those black lives are worth less in America.

Gun Violence Research Requires Parity to Avoid Hypocrisy

Blair Hanley Frank February 7, 2013
As long as the NRA supports increasing research into the effects of violent video games, they cannot continue to oppose research on the effects of gun ownership on gun violence.
Political Cartoon by Asa Mease

Political Cartoon

Julie Peterson January 24, 2013

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