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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Taylor Penner-Ash

Whitman Vampires Speak Out

Winston Weigand, Pokémon Trainer April 13, 2017

For many first and second-year vampires, living on the Whitman College campus is no easy feat. To begin with, most dorm rooms are not appropriately furnished with adult-sized coffins (a few rooms in...

Savory holiday treat: rosemary garlic spread with gorgonzola

Ellie Newell December 13, 2011
My family has a thing about garlic. I don't just mean that we use garlic often. I mean that, for my typical birthday dinner, we use about three heads of garlic for three people. A few years ago my family made one of our favorite dishes for Christmas Eve dinner. This dish involves consuming entire heads of garlic, baked in white wine and rosemary, topped with melting Gorgonzola, smeared on delicious ciabatta. Are you salivating yet?
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