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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Photo by Jillian Briglia

KWCW Show of the Week: Neat Beats

Emma Cooper March 3, 2016
A good way to wind-down after a long Friday is listening to Sophomore Maddy Gyongyosi and Sophomore Will Selman's KWCW show "Neat Beats" from 5pm-7pm.
A surprising maturity in "The Lego Movie"

A surprising maturity in “The Lego Movie”

Nathan Fisher February 13, 2014
When the closing credits of the Lego Movie ended, I was exhausted from laughing, and I probably enjoyed the movie more than the kids.
A Whirlwind Tour of 14 Weeks of Movies

A Whirlwind Tour of 14 Weeks of Movies

Nathan Fisher September 12, 2013
Read about movie reviewer Nathan Fisher's whirlwind summer adventure including music, movies, and a male stripper turned crime fighter.
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