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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Aquaponics best means to increase local food

Danielle Broida December 6, 2012
Although Bon Appétit has pledged to buy 20% of its food locally, much of what is grown in Walla Walla does not meet their local standards. An aquaponics program would be a meaningful way to increase truly sustainable local food production while harnessing student creativity.

Apple picker shortage highlights tension in immigration debates

Julia Stone October 4, 2012
Washington generates $1.5 billion annually from the production of apples, 10% of the state’s economy. Yet a critical part of this production, migrant laborers, are often overlooked.
Credit: Allie Felt

White Bread: Aaron Bobrow-Strain talks food politics

Rachel Alexander April 12, 2012
After five years of work, Associate Professor of Politics Aaron Bobrow-Strain has published a book entitled White Bread: A Social History of the Store-Bought Loaf. Published on March 6, 2012, the book has been selected as one of’s Best Books for March 2012, and was featured on NPR. It’s currently available in the Whitman Bookstore. Bobrow-Strain spoke with the Pioneer about the book and the current alternative food movement in the United States.
Illustration: Emily Johnson

Food stamps perpetuate myth of consumer choice

Julia Stone February 23, 2012
Blaming the poor, especially those on food stamps, for their poor food choices is to ignore the deep, underlying problems with an industrial system of food production. Personal choice is worthless if all options are unhealthy.
Infographic by Ted Hendershot

Consuming control: Whitman students, professors talk politics of eating disorders

Rachel Alexander January 26, 2012
The line between healthy behavior and disordered eating can be razor thin. Physical fitness and healthy eating habits are presented as an ideal to aspire towards, and women in particular are bombarded with advertisements telling them that they can be perfect if they just count calories diligently and work hard to shed those last few pounds.

Numbers in the news

Shelly Le October 27, 2011
Numbers in the news is a weekly feature highlighting numbers and statistics of interest to college students.
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