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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Madi Welch.

Leaving Afghanistan for Whitman

Bhavesh Gulrajani, Feature Editor September 16, 2021

Angela Eliacy is a first year Whitman student, an undeclared intended economics-math major. She was born and raised in Afghanistan—first in the countryside, then in Kabul—before spending three years...

Bringing the Palestinian-Israeli Conversation to Whitman

Audrey Hecker, Staff Reporter September 23, 2018

After living through the devastation of the Lebanon War more than a decade ago, Bashar Haidar, a junior at Whitman College, decided it was time to show his support of the Palestinian state and its inhabitants...

How to Curtail Free Speech Under the Guise of Defending It

Paul Apostolidis, Shampa Biswas, Julie Charlip, Andrea Dobson, Timothy Kaufman-Osborn, Leena Knight, Thomas Knight, Bruce Magnusson, Gaurav Majumdar, Matthew Reynolds, Elyse Semerdjian, Jonathan Walters December 7, 2017

In a forceful display of coordinated institutional authority, the November 16, 2017, issue of The Wire included an op-ed essay co-written by Whitman’s Chair of the Faculty, the Vice President for Enrollment...

Photo by Natalie Mutter

Rabbani on Trump and the Fourth Estate

Chris Hankin, News Editor October 18, 2017

Analyst and researcher Mouin Rabbani was brought to campus earlier this week for a talk entitled “Crisis In the Gulf and Middle East Transformations.” His talk examines the June 2017 calamity between...

GSI Year-in Review

Nick Maahs, Staff Reporter May 4, 2017

On October 21, 2015, then Provost and Dean of Faculty Pat Spencer announced that faculty would not be receiving course releases for their participation in the Global Studies Initiative. The decision effectively...

Arabic at Whitman

Sarah Cornett September 20, 2012
The current lack of Arabic classes at Whitman recently gained campus-wide attention when sophomore Annabelle Marcovici created an online petition to prove student interest to the administration.
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