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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLV, Issue 4
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

From the Archives: Answers to a Plea: Boycott Best Not Bought

Mark Tabbutt and Randy Edison November 16, 2023

This letter from the Editors initially appeared in the Feb. 6, 1986 edition of The Whitman Pioneer. The opinion was co-written by The Pioneer's editors, and appears as it was initially ran; the only edits...

Photo by Theo Delmonaco

Students call for divestment now

Editor’s note: This article includes details from previously published breaking news updates. Additional reporting has been added to better provide a holistic view of the occupation and its consequences. After...

Photo by Jake Lee

Breaking: Student Occupation of Memorial Hall Continues into Second Day

Nazaaha Penick, Kasey Moulton, and Sebastian Squire November 10, 2023

At 10:00 a.m. on Nov. 10, assembled students gathered in the Governing Boards Room (Memorial 331), renamed by protesters as the Edward Said Reading Room, to discuss the previous 24 hours and set objectives...

BREAKING: Students occupy Memorial, urge divestment, policy changes

BREAKING: Students occupy Memorial, urge divestment, policy changes

Kasey Moulton, Editor-in-Chief October 26, 2023

On Wednesday, Oct. 25 at 10:30 a.m., approximately 150 students gathered outside Penrose Library in support of Palestine following the recent escalation of conflict between Israel and Hamas. Whitman’s...

Whitman continues to divest from fossil fuels despite financial worries

Abby Malzewski, Staff Reporter March 4, 2021

Whitman is continuing to reduce investments in Carbon Underground 200 groups more than two years after the initial vote to divest from fossil fuels. The Board of Trustees has identified in their Statement...

Exploring Whitman’s endowment

Grace Jackson, Staff Reporter October 15, 2020

Austerity measures instituted in response to budget shortfalls this year have brought attention to Whitman College’s 565.3 million dollar endowment. In response to a projected $19 million loss in revenue,...

More than a year later, divestment process continues

Jessica Lilly, News Reporter March 12, 2020

On Nov. 8, 2018, the Board of Trustees voted to begin divesting from fossil fuels.  On Nov. 7, 2019, just one day before the divestment decision’s first anniversary, sophomore Karsten Beling sent...

WIC and Divest Whitman Seek Avenues for Sustainable Investment

WIC and Divest Whitman Seek Avenues for Sustainable Investment

Rylee Neville, Staff Reporter March 5, 2018

Whitman Investment Company (WIC), sold its last oil share a few weeks ago, officially divesting from fossil fuels. WIC then reached out to Divest Whitman, a student-led organization devoted to pressuring...

Illustration by Taylor Penner-Ash

Whitman divests from fossil fuels, invests endowment in Coltan mining operation in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ben Freedman, humor editor November 8, 2016

Environmentally inclined Whitties rejoice! The years of hard work from Divest Whitman have finally paid off, and the board of trustees has listened to the call for climate justice. Effective immediately,...

Divestment movement expands fight against all forms of fossils

Clara Wheeler, Humor Writer November 3, 2016

The Whitman Divestment movement needs to take things to the next level, according to club leader Gresham Merkel. The realization came about as the group was sitting around the GAC, eating leftover donuts...

Guardian’s Climate Campaign Fails to Challenge NeoLiberal Status Quo

Olivia Gilbert, Columnist May 5, 2016
It is painful to see a major news outlet ignore questions that need to be asked and criticisms that need to see the light of day—it is painful because it happens over and over again in the media.

Divestment Discussions Continue in New Forms

Lane Barton April 28, 2016
Conversation about divestment continue via feedback provided to the Divestment Policy Working Group and an ASWC resolution.
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