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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

COVID-19 Cases Rise Following Summer Lull

Sebastian Squire, News Editor September 14, 2023

After a summer lull in the number of new COVID-19 infections, new variants of the virus have slowly started driving an increase in cases in the Walla Walla Valley and nationwide.  Dr. Daniel Kaminsky...

All work and no play: Whitman’s new absence policies

Noelle Texidor, Opinion Columnist February 2, 2023

Before the start of this spring semester, I knew I had to notify all my professors that I’d be gone the week after spring break for a trip to Europe with my former high school. I had planned and fundraised...

OP-ED: The failure of Whitman’s COVID-19 policies

Bex Heimbrock, First-year April 28, 2022

Whitman, a college that prides itself on diversity and inclusion, has left immunocompromised people behind in its zealous search for a post-COVID-19 school year. We have all suffered as a result.  For...

Illustration by Madeleine Stolp.

We all have COVID! Now what?

Hailey Livingston, Columnist April 28, 2022

I found out yesterday I have COVID-19. To be honest, I can’t say I was surprised. It’s starting to feel like everyone has COVID-19. Unfortunately for Whitman students, we have found ourselves...

Covid restrictions return, nobody could have seen this coming

Sammy Fitts, prophet, apparently April 28, 2022

We only got a couple of weeks of normalcy before Kathy Murray whipped out her mask mandate and slapped us across the face with it. That unprecedented time when everyone’s phones started ringing at once...

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