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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Omicron variant: African countries are not your scapegoats

Angel Baikakedi, Columnist December 9, 2021

By now, you’ve probably heard about the new COVID-19 variant, Omicron. Scientists in South Africa were the first to announce that they had identified the variant on Nov. 24, 2021 and after that, other...

Washington state colleges devise institution-specific COVID-19 plans

Grace Jackson, Staff Reporter October 1, 2020

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee released a proclamation on June 24, mandating that each higher education institution create an institution-specific plan while meeting certain safety requirements....

Photo by Carson Jones.

Although its doors are shut, Penrose Library carries on

Emma Fletcher-Frazer, News Editor September 24, 2020

While Penrose Library’s doors remain shut to the public, its employees continue to digitize records and expand digital collections to help faculty and students with their online semester. The library...

Illustration by Lily Buller.

Whitman considering corporate management for college bookstore

Grace Jackson, Staff Writer September 17, 2020

Whitman’s independent bookstore may be going corporate. President Kathy Murray’s cabinet has been considering transitioning to external corporate management since the beginning of this semester, according...

Standards of professionalism are changing, and that's a good thing

Standards of professionalism are changing, and that’s a good thing

Ava Liponis, Columnist September 10, 2020

In the midst of a global pandemic, professional life has far exceeded its pre-pandemic boundaries, and it is becoming increasingly impossible to separate the two spheres of personal and professional....

We can’t get back to “normal”

Sile Surman, Columnist September 10, 2020

If you haven’t parsed through Trump’s 2020 campaign platform yet, first of all, smart thinking. It’s a waste of time. The "goals" are so vague and unattainable that I question the judgment of its...

Faculty votes to maintain current grading system

Alissa Antilla, Editor-in-Chief May 29, 2020

After much discussion and debate surrounding the fate of Whitman College’s grading system during the COVID-19 pandemic and online distance-learning, the faculty has come to a decision. In short, the...

Walla Walla County reports first death due to coronavirus

Alissa Antilla, Editor-in-Chief May 7, 2020

The Walla Walla County Department of Community Health announced the county’s first death linked to novel coronavirus via a press release on Tuesday, May 5.  The resident was a man in his 70s who...

Photos provided by Ben Murphy

Letter to the editor: Preserving the present

Ben Murphy, Archivist and Head of Digital Services at Whitman College and Northwest Archives April 28, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted daily life at Whitman, but it is not the first time that the college has experienced significant disruptions of in-person gatherings and classes. In 1918, during the...

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