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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Kai Bowen

Bursting the Bubble with Community Engagement

Keathley Pinney Brown, Feature Editor April 18, 2024

Whitman can feel like its own separate reality, tucked away amidst winding streams, academic buildings and manicured lawns. It can be easy to remain cloistered in this reality, treading familiar paths...

27th Annual Wheelin’ Walla Walla Weekend races through downtown

27th Annual Wheelin’ Walla Walla Weekend races through downtown

Kasey Moulton, Editor-In-Chief September 14, 2023

  Eleven blocks of Main Street between N Park Street and N Sixth Avenue were closed to traffic on Saturday, Sept. 9 for the 27th Annual Wheelin' Walla Walla Weekend. Nearly 550 vehicles lined...

2023 Rabinowtiz Award winners are announced

Sebastian Squire, News Reporter April 20, 2023

Since 2011, the Ben Rabinowitz Award has been given in honor of Whitman College President Tom Chronin to support projects that seek to promote compassion in medicine, politics or on-campus projects. The...

Walla Walla colleges partner for Tri-College Community Day

Sebastian Squire, News Reporter April 13, 2023

With nearly two dozen activities, Tri-College Community Day aims to involve students at all three Walla Walla colleges in altruistic activities to benefit the greater Walla Walla Valley. Walla Walla...

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