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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLIV, Issue 10
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

For fear of the phatic

Chloe Hansen, Opinion Columnist December 8, 2022

Words are castles. Too often it is the most comfortable choice in our lives to cross the drawbridge and vanish inside. One can speak for hours without saying anything, beating perpetually around the bush...

Sophomores Annika Cahill and Ash Wells perform student-composed work in the Spring Composers Concert. Photos by Amara Garibyan

Spring Composers Concert: Communicating through creation

Kaitlin Cho, A&E Reporter February 27, 2020

On Sunday, Feb. 23, Chism Recital Hall reverberated with song: the sonorous bellow of a cello, the bright voices of horns, the smooth sweetness of a clarinet. The Spring Semester Composers Concert, which...

Attributed to Bob MacDonnell

A Merger and a Whole Lot More

Chris Hankin, News Editor September 12, 2017

Josh Jensen splits his week between the Boyer and Penrose houses. Two days at the former, three at the latter. His movement across campus is the most visible change since the merger of the Communications...

Love Letters in the Digital Age

Andrew Schwartz November 17, 2015

The research of Professor of Sociology Michelle Janning on the use of written love letters in modern times has gotten some broader attention after a lecture at the University of St. Thomas and an article...

In Long Distance Relationships, Couples Need Space

In Long Distance Relationships, Couples Need Space

Olivia Gilbert, Columnist October 15, 2015

Illustration by Luke Hampton. Like it or not, technology, social media, and constant connectedness are defining aspects of our generation’s identity. We utilize technology in nearly all aspects of...

Let’s talk about talking

Crystal and Chevy, Columnist October 15, 2015

Let's talk about sex. More specifically, let's talk about talking during sex. Many of us have probably at some point or another reached that critical moment in sex when something needs to happen differently....

Illustration by Katie Emory

Graduating Administrator Plans Future of ‘Encounters’

Hannah Bartman April 18, 2013
The administrator of 'Encounters' reflects on the site's progress, and looks to how it will be maintained after graduation.

Uneven Libidos Require Cooperation to Resolve

Spencer Wharton February 14, 2013
Everyone has their own sexual needs. This might not be discussed as often as other parts of relationships, bu everyone has a libido that works at a different pace. It's critical to sit down with your partner if differences in libido start to cause problems in your relationship or sex life.
The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees

Talia Rudee November 15, 2012
You’ve heard the name thrown around: the Board of Trustees—“The Board of Trustees is on campus this weekend,” or “Come to this networking event with the Board of Trustees”—but who are some of these people?

We Can Work It Out: Talking About Sex

Spencer Wharton October 11, 2012

I want to talk to my boyfriend about sex, but I think he is a lot less comfortable talking about it than I am. We've been dating for a while (and are sexually active), but I don't know how to have the...

Columnist responds to reactions to Oct. 6 ‘Take it slow when dating Chinese girls’

Peter Chen October 20, 2011
First, an apology is necessary. I never had the intention of judging all Chinese women because I don't have time get to know them all. Even if I knew all of them, my interpretations of Chinese women still wouldn't be accepted by everyone: We all see things from different perspectives. I deleted the clarification I wanted to add in my article, and yes, I would have added it if I had known my article would cause so much controversy.
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