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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Madeleine Stolp.

A coffee a day keeps the doctor away

Parsa Keshavarz Alamdari, Columnist May 5, 2022

Coffee is the best beverage in the world—at least I prefer to think so. Its taste and aroma are enough to calm me down or give me the motivation to finish my day. Even though some people call my...

Local Coffee on Campus

Emma Fletcher-Frazer, Staff Reporter October 22, 2018

The newly renovated Jewett Cafe opened this week to positive responses from the Whitman and larger Walla Walla community. The cafe partnered with Walla Walla Roastery to bring fresh and local coffee...

The Atlas Cafe

The Atlas Cafe

Olivia Gilbert, Feature Editor December 1, 2016

From the outside, The Atlas Cafe looks like any other modest-sized house in College Place. The forest green siding, the clean white trim edging the windows and door frame and a few unassuming shrubs do...

Marisa Ikert assists a student. Photo by Nikki Antenucci.

Penrose, ARC, SEC, COWS open new Learning Commons

Annie Roge October 16, 2014
The new Learning Commons aims to provide an additional resource for students during evening hours when the programs’ main offices are not open or available. While each department involved still retains the bulk of their services in their respective offices, the Learning Commons aims to provide short-notice, convenient assistance to students when they need it.
Issue 2: Voices of the Community

Issue 2: Voices of the Community

Jade Blake-Whitney September 16, 2013

What is your favorite place to go off campus?  Videographer Jade Blake-Whitney polls the community on where they like to go off-campus.

Everything you need to know about to-die-for iced coffee

Rose Woodbury August 11, 2012

Today I'm going to talk about one of my all-time favorite summertime beverages: cold-brewed iced coffee. I'm not talking about pouring regular coffee over ice and calling it a day. I'm talking about the...

Credit: Caitlin Hardee

Latte lovers’ guide to Walla Walla

caitlinhardee October 13, 2011
Lattes around Walla Walla - Caitlin Hardee's guide to the delicious, the satisfactory, and the atrocious. Get your coffee bearings.
Matt Akins '13 and Ian Wyantt '13 study on a comfy couch at Coffee Perk.

Three Walla Walla Alternatives to Starbucks

McCaulay Singer-Milnes October 7, 2010
Coffee Connection, A Stone's Throw Cafe and Coffee Perk provide three unique environments for students to grab some coffee and a bite to eat.
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