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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Sunshine Disrupts Senior Hibernation

Sunshine Disrupts Senior Hibernation

Melina Hughes February 27, 2014
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Theeessiiiiissss
Magic: The Gathering––A Game's Origins and Influence at Whitman College

Magic: The Gathering––A Game’s Origins and Influence at Whitman College

Emma Dahl November 26, 2012
You may have heard of Magic: The Gathering, a widespread card game with roots at our very own alma mater. While its influence has spread far and wide, the gaming community remains strong at Whitman, in Walla Walla and in surrounding areas.

Writing in the Wallowas: A Week with Fishtrap

November 26, 2012

This article was written by Ryann Savino '13. Driving along Wallowa Lake Highway, I wondered silently what the coming week would hold. To my right shone the choppy early morning surface of Wallowa Lake,...

Circuit 5 Letter from the Editor

Allie Felt November 26, 2012
As the end of fall semester approaches, many of us start thinking about the world beyond Whitman.
Holiday Movie Season Promises Passion, Blood and Adventure

Holiday Movie Season Promises Passion, Blood and Adventure

Nathan Fisher November 26, 2012

The holidays are fast approaching––oh yeah, finals too––so here's a quick peek at some movies we can look forward to seeing now through winter break. Actually, two big blockbusters have already...

Photo by Halley McCormick.

Farming an Endowment: Whitman Landholdings Support Wind Turbines, Education

Allison Work November 26, 2012
The drive east along Highway 12 from the Tri-Cities back towards Walla Walla and the Whitman campus rarely fails to amaze me. At the left turn by Wallula Gap, I stare west at the vast expanse of land carved out by the ancient Missoula floods, captured by the exposed magnificence of the land in all its contours and forms and patterns.

High School Athlete Profile: Cheyenne Schoen, DeSales Swimmer

Halley McCormick November 26, 2012

DeSales High School senior Cheyenne Schoen talks swimming and future ambitions with charming confidence and a bright smile. With just four years of competitive swimming under her belt, Schoen has excelled...

Circuit Quiz: What Missionary Are You?

Lachlan Johnson November 26, 2012
Are you a regular Missionary, or a sub-variety from Outer Space? Take our quiz and find out.

Whitman Students Leave Meaningful Impact on Community

November 26, 2012
Whitman students should consider community involvement because it's training for life outside the bubble and because Walla Walla and environs needs your youth, smarts and enthusiasm.
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