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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

The Student Body

The Student Body

Marra Clay April 1, 2014
Whitman's active- this isn't a secret. With my fresh first year perspective, I still meander around campus, jaw dropped in awe of both the physical and intellectual talents of my peers.
Spring Recipes Utilizing Ingredients Found in Made in Walla Walla Box

Spring Recipes Utilizing Ingredients Found in Made in Walla Walla Box

Karah Kemmerly April 1, 2014
Two summers ago, I really got to know the food in Walla Walla. I tried several great restaurants and made weekly trips to the farmers' market with my then-housemate, and the two of us shared a Made in Walla Walla Box from the local Daily Market Coop.
Why Are You Green: Whitman Community Reflects on Environmentalism

Why Are You Green: Whitman Community Reflects on Environmentalism

Anna Zheng April 1, 2014
It's no question that many people at Whitman are environmentally conscious of their environment and how much waste they generate. However, the question is why? The Pioneer takes a moment to ask Whitman community members to reflect on how environmentalism touches their lives.
Challenging Power on Campus: A Pioneer Staff Member's Thoughts on Divestment and the Anti-Racism Movement

Challenging Power on Campus: A Pioneer Staff Member’s Thoughts on Divestment and the Anti-Racism Movement

Lachlan Johnson April 1, 2014
There are many serious issues facing the world, and those in power have shown little initiative in addressing them. It is increasingly clear that issues such as global warming, inequality and racism will require strong popular movements for progress to be made.
Senior Molly Johansen shows her white ink tattoo. Photos by Goard.

Inked: Whitman Community Members Express Personal, Permanent Expression Through Tattoos

Sarah Cornett April 1, 2014
Members of the Whitman community share their personal expression of art and the stories behind their tattoos.
Photos by Bowersox

Local Music, Wine: Walla Walla Musicians Thrive in Diverse Local Music Scene

Hannah Bartman April 1, 2014
In a small town like Walla Walla, it seems hard to imagine that a music community could flourish in diversity and style. This, however, is not the case. Walla Walla's small community enhances dialogue between musicians and creates a close-knit group of creative minds supported by the local venues of wineries and town events.
Cartoon: Bugs and Humans

Cartoon: Bugs and Humans

Luke Hampton April 1, 2014

Cartoon by Eddy Vazquez.

'The End of Night' Review: Author Paul Bogard Seeks Natural Darkness, Inspiration

‘The End of Night’ Review: Author Paul Bogard Seeks Natural Darkness, Inspiration

Emma Dahl April 1, 2014
Astrophysics major and A&E writer Emma Dahl reviews Paul Bogard's latest book, 'The End of Night.'
Photo by Marcovici

Letter from the Editor: Circuit 10

Shelly Le April 1, 2014
Editor-in-Chief Shelly Le welcomes spring and the second half of the Whitman semester in her Circuit Letter from the Editor, commemorating the magazine's tenth issue.
Whitman Women in Academia Reflect on Challenges, Achievements

Whitman Women in Academia Reflect on Challenges, Achievements

Helen Angell April 1, 2014
Being a woman in academia is no longer an unusual feat. But female-identified professors are still a minority at Whitman. The Pioneer spoke to three female professors at Whitman about their experiences in academia.

What Type Of Green Fits Your Personality?

Elena Aragon April 1, 2014
Figure out what type of green YOU are.
Cartoon: Animals

Cartoon: Animals

Luke Hampton April 1, 2014

Cartoon by Sophie Cooper-Ellis.

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