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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Mikayla

McMorris Rodgers Not Running For Reelection

Daniela Quiros Araya, News Reporter February 22, 2024

  Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) has decided not to seek reelection in this year's election. McMorris Rodgers’ decision is poised to leave a significant void in the Republican...

The Deadline for mail-in registration forms is October 8th. After that date, students can vote in local elections.

Student Initiative Attempts to Rock the Vote in Washington’s 5th

Kylin Brown, Staff Reporter September 24, 2018

Students across grade levels at Whitman have spent the last few weeks engaged in an effort to register their peers to vote in local elections in time for the Brown v. McMorris Rodgers election happening...

Lisa Brown (left) and FACE representative junior Georgia Lyon (right) at Monday’s town hall-style event.

Whitman to Washington D.C.: Lisa Brown’s Grassroots Campaign

Claire Ommen, News Reporter February 28, 2018

In 2018, the Congressional seat for the Fifth District of Washington will come up for election. This district encompasses most of Eastern Washington, Walla Walla included. On the evening of Monday, Feb....

OP-ED: Is Loud Counter-Protesting Free Speech?

Paul Minor, Whitman College Senior February 27, 2017

This Friday I arrived at the Walla Walla Courthouse to participate in "Where's Cathy?" an event intended to call attention to 5th District Congresshuman Cathy McMorris Rogers' disturbing absence from WW. I...

County Fair Rounds Up Republicans, Democrats, and Voters

County Fair Rounds Up Republicans, Democrats, and Voters

Olivia Gilbert, Feature Editor September 8, 2016

If you walked by the Walla Walla County Republican Headquarters in the red brick building on Second Avenue last week, you would not have found a soul there. Travel about a mile south though, and you would...

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