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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Assistant Professor of History Jakobina Arch released her first book this April on whaling in Early Modern Japan.

From Biology to History: Arch Releases First Book on Whaling in Japan

Ben Kunz, Staff Reporter April 19, 2018

Assistant Professor of History Jakobina Arch studies environmental and Japanese history. Wire reporter Ben Kunz sat down with Professor Arch to discuss her first book, released this month, “Bringing...

Illustration by Nathaly Pérez

Janning on Happiness

Rhône Grajcar, Staff Reporter March 6, 2018

Professor of Sociology Michelle Janning will be giving a talk at the Walla Walla Public Library on Thursday March 8. The lecture is entitled “Happy as a Dane,” and will examine why Danes...

Lit Review: “The Great American Dirtbags”

Martina Pansze, A&E Editor February 4, 2016
In “The Dirtbag Manifesto,” Mehall tells the story of how he came to be a “born-again dirtbag.”

Book Review: “Station Eleven” by Emily St. John Mandel shatters clichés

Martina Pansze, A&E Editor November 10, 2015
Full of dark suspense and masterfully-executed plot twists, “Station Eleven” leaves the reader disturbed without delving into the gory minutia transpiring at the beginning of civilization’s collapse.
Alex Dimitrov reading at the Visiting Writers Series event at the end of September. Photo by Lone Fullerton.

Visiting Writers, Lasting Lessons

Megan Hearst, Staff Writer October 7, 2015
The upcoming VWRS events will span many different disciplines.
Happy Ending for 'Ender's Game'

Happy Ending for ‘Ender’s Game’

Nathan Fisher November 7, 2013
A lot of controversy has surrounded the movie adaptation of Orson Scott Card's novel, "Ender's Game." Not because of the usual film-to-movie debate, but because of Card's controversial views on gay marriage. Still worth a viewing though?
E-Books Versus Print Books

E-Books Versus Print Books

Kaili Masamoto November 29, 2012
For many students who have started using e-books, there is no turning back to the days of reading ordinary print books.
Illustration by Erika Zinser

Lazy writing leads to forgettable ‘Words’

Nathan Fisher September 13, 2012

After a long week with, go figure, lots of homework, I welcomed the escape to my "job" at the movies. Like last week, none of the options grabbed me, so I succumbed to seeing "The Words," a story-within-a-story,...

Image courtesy of Newmarket Press

The Making of a Movie . . . ?

Dana Thompson August 8, 2012

Before we begin the usual shenanigans, let's make one thing clear: I highly recommend you watch the movie BEFORE reading this book. That's right. You heard me. I won't say it again. Before you start...

“The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows

Dana Thompson June 6, 2012

When a book is warmly recommended to you by three or more of your friends, you would be unwise to not read it. Unwise or spiteful. I say spiteful because I am a member of the Don't Read It If It's...

Photo courtesy of Random House Publishing, Inc.

“Garden Spells” by Sarah Addison Allen

Dana Thompson June 1, 2012
"Garden Spells" by Sarah Addison Allen (first red flag: writer takes herself seriously enough to include her full name on the cover only a few font sizes smaller than the book’s actual title) drew me because I liked the idea of a mysterious garden in which anything—even magic?—can happen.
Illustration: Binta Loos-Diallo

‘Hunger Games’ brings deadly dystopian struggle to big screen

Nathan Fisher April 5, 2012

I am proud to report that I actually read a non-required book this week––"The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. Okay, okay, it's an easy fun read, 374 pages with big print, with words of fewer...

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