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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Beta's Back, Baby

Beta’s Back, Baby

Andy Monserud, Staff Reporter May 4, 2017

Whitman’s chapter of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity is expected to remain in its house for the 2017-2018 school year, and possibly beyond. Betas received the news following a Sunday meeting between...

Townies destabilize vast swaths of Beta’s lands

Trevor Lewis October 23, 2014
It has been only three months since militant townies first started making an appearance in Beta’s sacred lands. However, since that time and because of some lightning-fast tactical raids, the townies have managed to gain control of the gravel pit, the rope swing and Kyle Seasly’s guitar. Now, I know what many of you reading at home must be thinking: “Beta is a barren, worthless wasteland. Why should we care?” I was of a similar opinion until I was informed that Beta is one of the leading exporters of PBR, American Spirits, cynicism and many other raw materials upon which Whitman society is built. I traveled to this war-torn region of Whitman Campus on a drunken bender last weekend to analyze the geopolitical landscape further.

Betas consider future of housing

Lane Barton October 3, 2014

With the conclusion of the 2014 fall recruitment cycle, all Greek life institutions will be winding down from a flurry of activities and welcoming new members to their ranks. But members of the Beta Theta...

All Students for Consent Gains National Attention

All Students for Consent Gains National Attention

Sarah Cornett October 17, 2013
Whitman's All Students for Consent club won the Consent Revolution Awards, put on by awareness and anti-rape media outlet Force. ASC was featured in prominent publications, including the Huffington Post and Bitch Magazine, for their recent win and their "Ask for It" Campaign.

Off-Campus House Break-Ins Leave Students Shaken

Sarah Cornett October 3, 2013
A number of off-campus break-ins occurred late Sunday night. The incidents have left students cautious and shaken.

Nuts to You

Melina Hughes October 3, 2013
What a local squirrel thinks about student life
Student Groups Prepare for Choral Contest

Student Groups Prepare for Choral Contest

Serena Runyan April 25, 2013
For the competitors, Choral Contest is more than just a show; it's the culmination of months of effort.
Fraternity recruitment to switch to sorting hat

Fraternity recruitment to switch to sorting hat

Tristan Gavin September 27, 2012
Despite notching another successful year of buying friends through the fraternity recruitment process, the Interfraternity Council (IFC) has moved to change the structure of recruitment for years to come.
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