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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Festive Recipes Highlight Fall Ingredients

Festive Recipes Highlight Fall Ingredients

Karah Kemmerly August 29, 2013
Foodie Karah Kemmerly brings us four new and unique recipes highlighting late summer and early fall ingredients, including pumpkin soup and broccoli pesto.

Peace, Work, Gandhi Found in Organic Garden

August 29, 2013
Organic Garden Summer Intern Genevieve Jones chronicles how hard work and chaos meet Gandhi and contemplative peace in Whitman's Organic Garden.

Dealing in Absolutes: Lessons Learned with Anti-Ranching Activists

Alex Brott August 23, 2012
I am a creature of compromise. It started as soon as I could understand my parents’ dinner-table conversations. Both of them work in human resources, making them among the most politically correct human beings on the planet. In their line of work mediation, collaboration and compromise are the Holy Grail. Civility and understanding are fundamentally important.

Guide to common campus nicknames and landmarks

Allison Work August 23, 2012
While Whitman is by no means a large campus, the local lingo and affectionate campus aficionados can be a lot to take in during the first few days, and locations are often critical during the bustle of orientation.

Eating Cheap in Walla Walla

Rachel Alexander August 23, 2012
What do you do when you�re broke and need to find something tasty? Don�t worry�The Pioneer has you covered. Here�s our official guide to eating cheap in Walla Walla.

First-Year Advice from a Rising Sophomore

Molly Emmett August 23, 2012

Class of 2016: Welcome to Whitman! There's no doubt that this is a very exciting time for you. It's a time for independence and a time for self-discovery, but sometimes, a little advice from someone who...

Embracing the Laziness of a Summer at Home

Alex Hagen August 23, 2012

Like many of my friends and classmates at Whitman, I was a bit reluctant to go home for the summer. After finals culminated in the cathartic joy of Holi and other celebrations, I realized that I had grown...

The author's father along the way. Contributed by Elizabeth Cole.

Open Road Chaos

Elizabeth Cole August 23, 2012

My mom is a talented woman. She is a well-practiced photographer and a gifted pianist, but her strongest talent is her ability to navigate us toward any traffic jam within a ten-mile radius without fail....

Quiz––What Coffee Shop Drink Are You?

Elena Aragon August 23, 2012

1. What is your favorite summer article of clothing? a. Jeans year-round, baby b. Booty shorts c. Bro tank d. Flip flops 2. What activity would you most likely be engaging in if you were in a...

Domestic violence affects privileged communities

August 23, 2012
At an internship working with abuse victims in the wealthiest county in the nation, I expected an abused population disproportionally representative of the large Latino minority and the few women of low socioeconomic status. Where does abuse fit in stereotypical "average American families," let alone in rich, gear-crazy, outdoorsy families?

Entire Summer Movie Season Recap

Nathan Fisher August 23, 2012

MMMMOOOVIES were my great escape from working a zillion hours at two minimum-wage jobs lifeguarding and scooping balls at the golf-driving rang. Thankfully, this summer was filled with great flicks. Here's...

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