Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLIV, Issue 10
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

PPGA Continues Consent Education

PPGA Continues Consent Education

Kate Grumbles, Staff Reporter December 8, 2016

This past week, on Tuesday Nov. 29, Planned Parenthood Generation Action (PPGA) hosted a collaborative event with All Students for Consent (ASC), called, “What Does Consent Look Like?” This event...

ASWC Hosts Title IX Panel to Educate Students on Policy Changes

ASWC Hosts Title IX Panel to Educate Students on Policy Changes

Helen Angell May 1, 2014
Title IX is the primary federal policy that shapes how college campuses respond to cases of sexual misconduct, including rape. However, it is up to individual colleges to adopt sexual misconduct policies and investigation processes that comply with Title IX.

Senate Round Up Number 1

Abby Seethoff October 24, 2013
ASWC had its first senate meeting of the semester last Sunday, Oct 6. Agenda items included allocation of $2,000 for an outdoor trip, confirmation of a new vice president, and new appointees to the nominations and oversight committees.
All Students for Consent Gains National Attention

All Students for Consent Gains National Attention

Sarah Cornett October 17, 2013
Whitman's All Students for Consent club won the Consent Revolution Awards, put on by awareness and anti-rape media outlet Force. ASC was featured in prominent publications, including the Huffington Post and Bitch Magazine, for their recent win and their "Ask for It" Campaign.
Ask For It Campaign Advocates for Consent on Campus

Ask For It Campaign Advocates for Consent on Campus

Sam Grainger-Shuba September 26, 2013
The Ask for It campaign attempted to removed the awkwardness from talking about consent. The All Students for Consent Club traveled around campus with a bag of chocolate kisses and asked students if they would like a kiss, intentionally leaving the meaning ambiguous. The goal was to get the entire campus involved and spread the conversation regarding consent.
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