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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Occidental Orientalism

Kaitlin Cho, Opinion Columnist February 9, 2023

Too often, the good-hearted leftist makes a critical mistake: in an attempt to behave sensitively and to not say anything unjust or offensive, they swing back around to the other side of the horseshoe...

Illustration by Madi Welch.

Recirculating the conversation: Whitman’s failure to address anti-racism demands

Alanna Sherman, Columnist September 23, 2021

On July 26, 2020, the The Wire published “Results May Vary,” an op-ed listing the demands of Black, Indigenous, people of color and allies attending and working at Whitman College. “Results May Vary”...

With calls for anti-racist restructuring, Whitman’s theatre department looks inward

Lena Friedman, Staff Reporter October 29, 2020

Over the summer, in response to safety and racial equity concerns raised by members of Whitman’s theater community, the college’s theater department canceled its fall season of virtual productions....

Illustration by Hayden Cooper.

Shame in the anti-racist movement

Dana Walden, Opinion Editor September 24, 2020

Shame, Shame, Shame: we all got it, and we all feel it from time to time. Shame is not a bad emotion to feel; in fact, it can be helpful and productive under the right circumstances. We should feel a little...

Under new leadership, ASWC adjusts to virtual learning

Under new leadership, ASWC adjusts to virtual learning

Abby Malzewski, Staff Reporter September 10, 2020

Under new leadership, the Associated Students of Whitman College (ASWC) are optimistic they’ll find innovative ways to support the student body during the fall semester online. On July 29, Sneh...

Product of anti-racism protests emerge

Lachlan Johnson October 16, 2014
Rallies and protests against racism last year led to a series of changes on campus this fall, as the college follows through on promises made to student protesters. Classes have already been canceled for the Power & Privilege Symposium on Feb. 19, and students are in the early stages of organizing the event. In addition, the first mandatory Race & Equity Workshop for first-years was staged on Sunday, Sept. 28.
Challenging Power on Campus: A Pioneer Staff Member's Thoughts on Divestment and the Anti-Racism Movement

Challenging Power on Campus: A Pioneer Staff Member’s Thoughts on Divestment and the Anti-Racism Movement

Lachlan Johnson April 1, 2014
There are many serious issues facing the world, and those in power have shown little initiative in addressing them. It is increasingly clear that issues such as global warming, inequality and racism will require strong popular movements for progress to be made.

Power, Privilege Symposium Encourages Student Participation

Lachlan Johnson January 30, 2014
As this year’s Power & Privilege Symposium approaches, the ASWC planning committee has been working to organize content, logistics, marketing and funding.

Anti-Racism Coalition Prepares for Spring

Lachlan Johnson December 12, 2013
Efforts by students, staff and faculty to confront racism on campus have continued after the rally against racism and other recent events. Student organizers have come together to form the Coalition Against Racism Everywhere, and the Intercultural Center is bringing civil rights leader Diane Nash, one of the lead organizers of the Freedom Riders campaign, to campus for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
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