Swim Team Sails Through Conference

Maegen Martin, Staff Reporter

A season to remember is one the Whitman Swim team is celebrating as they lived up to preseason predictions. Their biggest meet was the Northwest Conference Championship, which took place in Federal Way, Washington. The Blues successfully ended their 2018-2019 campaign with the women winning their third consecutive NWC title and the men finishing in high efforts fourth place.

The treacherous weather snuck up on the Blues in Federal Way where a snow storm hit, forcing the swim meet to drop one of the sessions. It sure did not stop the Blues from an outstanding performance.

Sophomore Miranda Williams won the 200 breaststroke, which is also in the process of posting an NCAA qualifying time.

Katy Laliotis
Sophomore Miranda Williams was named to the Northwest Conference First Team All-Conference.

“The weather tested our resilience and patience because there was a substantial snowstorm in Seattle that caused most of the city to shut down and made traveling difficult. Conference is an incredible experience and truly a really fun meet filled with a lot of emotion. The pool is gorgeous, the competition is fast, and the energy throughout the meet is vivacious! We achieved a lot of personal and team goals last weekend and are proud of our performances. Speaking for myself, although others would probably agree, accomplishing our individual and team goals feels like a celebration of all the hard work and sacrifices we’ve made this season and throughout our careers,” said Williams.

On the men’s side, a small roster due to injuries throughout the season, first-year Michael Chang finished the 200 butterfly in second place, nearly clinching an NCAA qualifying time.

Katy Laliotis
First-year Michael Chang was named to First Team All-Conference

Chang stated, “As a first year, this was an incredible experience for me, being at a college conference competition for the first time. I had a blast racing and being with my teammates that weekend. Being able to accomplish personal, as well as team goals was also a really cool experience. I’m really happy with how the meet turned out, and am looking forward to next season.”

Among these two talented swimmers, Williams was named Women’s All-Conference First Team and Michael was named Men’s All-Conference First team. Sixteen other Blues were also named NWC Swimming All Conference.