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Whitman Wire

Vol. CLIV, Issue 10
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Next 100 days for Obama: Reinstate the draft

Now that the first 100 days of the Obama presidency have passed, what should we as a nation pressure the president to concentrate on for the rest of the presidency? What issues are most pressing to the nation? What long term goals need to be addressed early on in the presidency to allow those goals to ultimately be fulfilled?

The most important measure he must address first is to, in regards to the economy, not continue bailouts, but instead have them in strategically placed spots in order to bring the most of the taxpayers’ dollars into the economy to bring about the best benefits.

Second is the two wars that we are fighting, in Iraq and in Afghanistan. The question behind this is whether to increase funding but not necessarily decrease troops. These two wars do not call for less troops, but more and in order for that to happen we might even need to legislate a draft.

A draft would help alleviate some of the unemployed, and take the burden off of the economy. However, the legislation would need to be revised in order to allow students currently in college to finish their degrees rather than just seniors being allowed to do so.
Obama needs to reinstate the deferment, or perhaps have the drafting age at 22 when students will have at least finished their undergraduate degree.

However, the eligible age should still be at 18 for those students who once they finish high school would like to serve their country.

It is a fact that the volunteer army is stretched and reinstating the draft would also take strain off of the current all-volunteer army. I am not advocating that the draftees be sent to Iraq and Afghanistan, but be used to fill up the positions of those volunteers who are sent overseas.

The National Guard, which is supposed to be protecting our borders, is dispatched overseas, and some manpower must take over in its absence. This is where the draft would come in.

It would also make the young generation learn to respect their elders, a value that seems to be lost in the current American culture. Further, the draft would help alleviate the obesity issue. People who are drafted would be forced to become fit and that habit learned over a period of two years will last a lifetime.

Instituting the draft, despite the public’s negativity, can bring about unexpected contributions to help improve the two issues that plague the nation today: economic reform and health care.

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  • R

    RalphDec 16, 2010 at 4:42 pm

    I say fine, as long as your at the “tip of the spear”

  • R

    RonDec 6, 2009 at 4:01 pm

    We should be working on ways to get along with everyone on earth. Not try to fight each other. There is enough resources for all people but the western powers hoard it by enslaving with a large military. Dont tell me we are fighting for freedom! Power, greed, corruption is it. I will NOT serve in a military nor let my family either.

  • S

    screw youNov 20, 2009 at 10:19 am

    I’m goin to Canada.

  • J

    JohnAug 29, 2009 at 2:27 pm

    You probably should have thought this one out for a little longer. If you want to talk about something as weighty as the draft, you gotta be thoughtful, careful, and deliberate; it sorta seems like you half-assed this one.

    If you’re going to suggest the draft, you’d better come up with some pretty impressive positives, because the negatives are overwhelming. Helping solve obesity, learning respect for elders, and alleviating unemployment are not about to convince any parents that their children should be placed in mortal danger, nor will it convince any young adults that four years of their lives should be taken from them.

    Then there’s the bit about college. One of the most controversial aspects of the draft is its disproportionate effect on the poor. Advocating deferment, suggesting that the draft age be moved up so that “students will have at least finished their undergraduate degree [sic],” and emphasizing that young adults should still be allowed to join at age 18 if they “would like to serve their country” – all of these ideas only suggest ignorance of the lives of those less wealthy than you. If you’re going to suggest these sort of things, you need to justify them very thoroughly; otherwise, you just seem like a classist and a bit of an ass.

    Also, the paragraph at the beginning about the economy should have been cut; it’s not on topic, really, and it’s a little incoherent. Actually, it’s tough to tell whether it’s on topic or not. Either way, it’s not central to the issue and was really only confusing.

    Oh, and watch where you’re putting your commas. If, you don’t use commas, right people aren’t going to be able to understand what you’re saying and, that’s going to, significantly reduce, your, persuasiveness,.

    I know that this is a tough issue to make a good argument for, but this strikes me as not even trying.

    Needs improvement.


  • J

    jgusAug 28, 2009 at 10:25 pm

    I don’t know if this applies to anyone at Whitman, but my brother is just entering UC Davis and he can only accept subsidized loan he was offered if he allows his name to be put into the draft lottery.
    Seemsa very dirty way to force students from lower income families into the draft…

  • T

    teremiilAug 26, 2009 at 3:27 pm

    It is absurd to think that war will bring world peace. It is absurd to think that even your worst enemy does not consider himself righteous in thought, in truth, and in his “extremist” excuse! It is absurd to think that this isn’t a world of plenty. It is absolutely rediculous to think that War is for the resources of the world. War is made economically to stop resources from allieviating the problems of the people. Banks – like the banks of a river, control your currency and in turn your resource, your wealth, and YOU, humanity!

    It is absurd to think that kids sitting at home are the problem when we’re bombing kids sitting around their homes – overseas. And then we call THOSE teenagers terrorists because we blame their people for an act (9/11) that our own government (most likely in alliance with the Israeli government) committed boldly. We can’t even love our own neighbors and children at home. We call them punks and live in fear of them. Yet allow our monetary system to make sure they stay on the streets because of a lack of education, jobs, and oppertunities. We hate our children because we make a black market for easy money in drugs that they live and literally ‘use’ off of. Or is it only the children of latinos and blacks? No it’s everyone

    I feel a true soldier knows without a doubt who he is fighting and why he is fighting. The militaries of this world are the polar opposite of this mentality. They want a lack of responsibility at the bottom, in their soldiers. They want obedient, compliant, non-thinkers. Soldiers who won’t follow the chain of command to the top or to wherever that may lead. To whoever that may lead to! The chain of command is BAD at the top because it works for $$$$$$.

    Every “pro” of reinstating the draft could be solved in ways without killing and without polluting (5 biggest polluting companies in the world = the same yearly pollution as the US military machine). Do you think we could not motivate people to lose weight? To gain educations? To get off of drugs? Of course not, when the funding is on a track of it’s own with a behind the curtain, management system.

    Why isn’t the statue of liberty on the actual American continent? Because we are FREE. We are not given Liberty by the militaries, governments (Britian), and private banks of the world. We were given it by God, by ourselves, we had taken our FREEDOM. We will no longer be slaves, save we see what true slavery really is. Take control of your money system like the founding fathers required you to and you’ll find this country, finally, on track to becoming a righteous one.

    I see people in love with “America” which is pretty much the ARMY to them, and it makes me sad. What about the thousands of homeless vets? 1 out of 3 homeless men in America is a veteran! What about the ever failing VA which I deal with in the work field? What about their healthcare? Why haven’t we helped the hundreds and hundreds of females who were RAPED while serving, by our own soldiers??


    where is the justice at home? We all know this is a backward and a scary world we live in. We are so fortunate to live mainly comfortable privledged lives. We know what goodness is. We just need to realize intolerance has no part in forgiveness. And forgiveness is not just a commandment, but not passing the buck.

    I believe the government committed 9/11. Others believe it was men in caves – sobeit. Either way, the Christ message of forgiveness is accepting personal responsibility for actions and words. Ending the chain of aggression through the same free agent choice that gave us this world in the first place. We are all one, our spirits made of the same thing. Looking with similiar thoughts from different perspectives. T

  • S

    SeraAug 5, 2009 at 7:05 pm

    This article is shameful. All of you who wrote on here rooting for it aren’t the ones who would be forced into slavery. My husband is in the “draftable” age bracket and if they drafted him it would be devastating. I am so ashamed of every single one of you supporting this modern day slavery, this country is supposed to be FREE but it seems that this freedom is short lived. Our founding fathers are spinning in their graves.

  • J

    Jeremy HJun 2, 2009 at 3:20 pm

    I believe that the Obama administration should unquestionably bring the draft back into effect. It is definitely needed. Our military shrinks every year and the number of kids wasting their lives sitting at home is growing! That’s why most of our Military men and women are having their tours extended because the US doesn’t have enough soldiers, Marines, sailors, airmen, etc. Just look at Isreal for example. EVERY citizen there has to serve around 2-4 or more years in the Isreali military. And how does that affect their culture? It creates better citizens. Which is what we(the US) need. We’re so greedy and self centered that we need to start a new generation of Americans with good morals and values. And it would help with the obesity problems within the US.

  • J

    john smithMay 19, 2009 at 8:25 pm

    I think they should bring back the draft by one thing to take all the soldiers that’s been over there for years and months and send them home to be with there families and let the draftees fill there shoes

  • M

    matt haddockMay 12, 2009 at 8:17 am

    You are an idiot.Do you think you’d be enjoying your mint chocolate ice cream when you get drafted? I’ll grab your attention, the draft is a horrible idea. I can’t believe you even suggested it. Would you want to go overseas?

    • J

      johnOct 14, 2009 at 7:38 pm

      i think the draft is a good idea if they need it everyone whats to live free butt they forgot the price it takes to be free.

  • W

    WillMay 7, 2009 at 11:59 pm

    James Baker recently spoke in favor of the draft on the grounds that it would promote political involvement and possibly preclude unnecessary wars such as the current one in Iraq.

    “You get killed if you support a draft, politically, but it sure would raise the stakes. Everybody would understand a lot better what we have at stake when we go to war.”

    I still vehemently oppose any mandatory service, and shuddered when I was forced to register for selective service, but this is an interesting take on the issue. Certainly more convincing than, “The draft would help alleviate the obesity issue.” Really??

  • R

    RudyMay 7, 2009 at 2:37 pm

    I think it’s a great Idea, but it would be a hard sell since Obama was never in the Military. I served for 20 years and totally agree with your reasons. I think it would also give a lot of people good experience in trades that would also benefit the economy.

  • P

    Phil TevlinMay 7, 2009 at 2:33 pm

    Were you around in the 1960-70’s? The draft boards then held absolute power over the 18-26 male population. the rich and powerful were unaffected by it, but if you were poor, working class, middle class and run out of money–you would be holding a round trip ticket to Viet Nam. It won’t fly in Congress: those affected would scream bloody murder, and screaming even louder would be the outraged mom’s and dad’s. Any Congressman/Senator attempting to “bring back the draft” would find himself quickly unemployed .
    I lived through that time (draft eligible 1969-77). I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.

  • S

    ScottMay 7, 2009 at 2:10 pm

    While a draft may solve certain economic issues such as unemployment and health care of the under-insured, there is a fundamental problem with the concept that has been proven throughout history: Draftees make poor soldiers.

    Volunteer military systems have proven that they are superior on the battlefield in most respects, especially against involuntary military. The mindset of a volunteer leans towards excellence in thier field, whereas the draftee leans towards finding ways to get out or avoid responsibilities that they did not want in the first place. This was demonstrated in the First Gulf War against the Republican Guard and thier humiliating defeat, on the run I might add, at the hands of US Military forces.

    Economic pressure is enough to draw fit and willing men and women into the military, never mind the incentives for education and housing. However, the military needs to alter thier recruiting methods to involve full transparency AND up front possible outcomes to the potential recruit, rather than employing salesman ship. By pointing out the pros and cons of enlisting, and showing what is likely to happen in thier careers, will the recruitment efforts improve. The military should reach out, rather than ensnare recruits, as well as show integrity in all areas of military life.

    No, a draft would be a formula for the same abuses as shown in Korea and Vietnam. Do we REALLY want a repeat of those two wars, as well as others?

  • F

    fgfdghMay 7, 2009 at 2:08 pm

    no. No draft.

  • R

    RichieRichMay 7, 2009 at 2:06 pm

    You’re all for the draft as long as it doesn’t “impose” on you folks enjoying college life. Give me a break.

    Our all volunteer military is the best in the world because those that serve, WANT to be there.

    Those that are unemployed will enlist if that is the route they want to go. Joining the military is an occupation to be proud of, not some last ditch effort at earning a living.
    You’re life experiences are obviously very limited and I hope upon you getting a degree you serve your country in the military and then re-read this article you wrote.

  • E

    Esox LuciusMay 7, 2009 at 2:06 pm

    Briant Fong is an idiot. If you can’t get people to volunteer for military service you should pack up and go home. What better symbol of lack of interest in a war than not making your enrollment numbers. The draft is slavery, pure and simple. In a country that proclaims to protect the concept of freedom, to protect the right to choose to not join your war is the clearest sign of upholding that promise of freedom.

    • F

      Frank HarrisJun 3, 2010 at 7:12 pm

      It is time we say NO MORE WAR. Draft, ridiculous… we should be focusing on ending the wars and working on our own problems… we all know that Iraq was based on lies.
