Whitman Flat Earth Society Plans Trip to Prove that Earth is Flat Once and For All

Ann Karneus, The Jingliest of Bells

In a recent announcement, the Whitman Flat Earth Club has confirmed they will be offering a weeklong OP trip that aims to disprove the widely held theory of round earth. Set to be offered during spring break of 2018, the trip will consist of a journey to the edge of the Earth and back. Since its foundation in 2011, the club has been relentless in their pursuit to reject any and all modern science, and aren’t slowing down even in the face of practically irrefutable evidence that supports round earth. The club is an active voice on campus, they often hand out flyers and informational pamphlets, hold anti-science events at Reid and even had plans to charter an interest house called the Flat Earth House. However, this last plan for on campus visibility was widely protested and eventually shut down by the Whitman administration. After reaching out to Whitman Flat Earth last week for more details, the club president Kevin Dresund issued a statement: “With our club funds from ASWC, we should be able to cover travel expenses for 15 people, but we’re still trying to figure out about how long it will take to make it to the edge of the world and back.” Dresund also urges supporters to visit their website whittiesforflatearth.net for more information, and to make a donation if they wish to help the cause.