Hamilton Interest House Plots Musical Revolution

Georgia Lyon

Commander of Barracks Tancy Navelli announced that an Interest House based on the musical “Hamilton” will be built in two years. As more revolutionary students start listening to this musical non-stop, Navelli felt it necessary to intervene to prevent self-destructive bipartisanship from emerging between the pro-Hamilton and anti-Hamilton factions of the student body.  The new interest house would enable the pro-Hamilton revolutionary students to finally have an understanding, passionate friend-group.

Navelli cited the increasing frustration between revolutionaries and Tory sympathizers among the student body for this choice.

“When revolutionary students’ roommates want to use a shot to kill those chorusing, ‘I am not throwing away my shot,’ it is time for these revolutionary students to take a shot at creating their own house,” said Navelli.

The revolutionary students want this house to reflect cultural pluralism represented by Hamilton the man and the musical.

“This House will be open only to those who can afford to see Hamilton. Our house will capture the multicultural, self-made essence of Hamilton with its diversity of rich, white kids,” said sophomore Joline Atkinson, who would be the residence assistant of the house.

The activities held in the house would be a modern spin on the actions Hamilton took to create the United States.

“Our programming would include activities such as rapping over modern Congressional gridlock and writing 51 blog posts explaining why we should Feel the Bern,” said junior Riley Bryan.

Two friends living in the house would duel each other to the death annually. Though this tentative house tradition has horrified many, the revolutionary students simply see it as an ugly fact of life.

“Sometimes, life is a mess, but great projects have to start somewhere,” said Atkinson.

According to the head of the Interest House Committee Mia Interesanti, the revolutionary students will replace those lost by recruiting more Whitties.

“The important this is – everyone wants to be in the House Where It Happens!” said Interesanti.

Photo by Anna Dawson
Photo by Anna Dawson