To prove how separate The Pio is from ASWC and stuff, we report on their every move. Follow News Editor Shelly Le’s harrowing account of ASWC’s latest activities.
Request of $2000 from from Service Learning Organization Fund by Anonymous of for further development and growth of the website. Request passed 15Y 0N 1A.
Number of finance requests ASWC rejected Sunday night out of a total of six requests: 0.
Number of times sophomore ASWC Senator Kayvon Behroozian enthusiastically knocked on the table in support of said requests: 33.
Number of snazzy-looking people in the room: 25.
Average number of self-deprecating chuckles, per person: 2.045.
Number of times the phrase ‘lack of student participation’ came up: 9.
Number of times senior ASWC President Matt Dittrich reminded students to “light a fire of conversation”: 3.