When the admittedly professional journalist Russ Caditz-Peck argues for Whitman College’s right to withhold all but three staplers, here, he demonstrates the exact greed-defending mentality that allowed these AIG bonuses to pass.
Listen to the people cry! A certain G. Frew admits, “today I needed to turn in a paper and there were no staplers to be found in olin or maxey. so I snuck into the office of a professor I don’t know when he left for the bathroom, and used his stapler. this situation is in desperate need of repair.”
Have you no shame, Sir Cadiz-Peck? Look at our teeming masses, resorting to petty crimes to get by! How can you blame US, in dire need of essential resources, and support the system that has pushed us to this ledge?
Money is tight, but WE, who all contribute to this system of rule, will not be denied that which binds us: staples.