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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire


What are the current restrictions in Washington State?

Currently nonessential businesses are closed and the mandatory stay at home order has been extended through May 4. Social distancing – meaning staying at least 6 feet apart from other people, not gathering in groups and staying out of crowded places, and avoiding mass gatherings – must continue for an additional month to minimize the spread of the virus. 

What does Gov. Inslee’s “stay at home” order mean?

The “Stay Home – Stay Healthy” Proclamation and its amendments mean that all people living in Washington State must not leave their residence except to conduct essential activities or for employment at essential businesses. 

Essential activities include shopping for, and obtaining, supplies and services that are necessary for your place of residence, engaging in activities that are essential for both members of the family and pets (i.e. a trip to the hospital or vet), caring for a family member, friend or pet in another residence, and outdoor exercise activities. If you are participating in any of these essential activities, it is still necessary for you to employ social distancing practices.

The Proclamation also prohibits any public or private gatherings regardless of the reasoning behind the event. This includes faith-based gatherings and funerals. 

The Proclamation went into effect on March 25, and while the original deadline was April 6, it has now been extended as COVID-19 continues to impact the state.   

For further information, the PDF is available here

Can I still travel home?

While non-essential travel is generally not advised due to risk of exposure and spread of COVID-19, traveling home is possible with careful consideration. Some factors to consider are: do the areas being travelled from and to have particularly high counts of infection, once arriving home will that be your final destination of travel, how will you reach home and what risks are associated with each (planes, car, etc.), do you or family members at home have a high risk for infection and are you able to quarantine for 14 days following travel? All of these factors should be highly considered and if travel is chosen, a 14 day self quarantine should take place and any further travel is not recommended.