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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Women of Color in Whitman Athletics

Women of Color in Whitman Athletics

Susanna Williams, Sports Reporter February 1, 2018

On the heels of the #metoo and #TimesUp movements, as well as the second annual Women’s March, our minds are focused on the women in our lives: on the women we encounter, the patriarchal world they face...

Quiet Powerhouse: Women's Golf Ready to Take On the Nation

Quiet Powerhouse: Women’s Golf Ready to Take On the Nation

Conor Scanlon, Staff Reporter April 6, 2017

Despite little coverage on campus, the Whitman women’s golf team is confident, elite, and geared for a NCAA Division III Championship run in Houston this May. A third place finish at the competitive...

Freshman Golfer Shiyang Fan Cards School Record 70, Wins Whitman Invitational

Mario Santos-Davidson, Staff Reporter October 4, 2015

In her second ever collegiate tournament, Shiyang Fan set a school record by scoring a two under par 70 in the first round at the Whitman Women’s Invitational on Sept. 26. She followed that up with...

Women’s Golf focuses on post-season play

Riley Foreman April 16, 2015

With low scorecards and high ambitions, the Whitman Women's Golf program is rapidly approaching a shot at the Northwest Conference league championship. So far this spring, the team has secured four...

Spring golf season looks to build on fall success

Riley Foreman March 5, 2015

If good things come in small packages, then the Whitman women's golf program is not just good, but it's great. The team is comprised of one senior, one junior, one sophomore and two first-years, all of...

Photo by Halley McCormick.

High hopes for women’s golf

Julian Reed October 9, 2014

The Whitman College Women's Golf team, led by senior captain Kelly Sweeney, had high hopes coming into the 2014-2015 season. After a few weeks' worth of tournaments, the team has already exceeded their...

Poor Conditions Lead to Shortened Tournaments for Golf Teams

Kyle Howe April 11, 2013
A weekend of bad weather spelled out dissatisfaction for both the men and women golfers who faced poor course conditions and had their rounds cut short.
Archive photo

National competition within reach for women golfers

Sylvie Luiten September 29, 2011
We rarely see them in action: the women's golf team is perhaps one of the most under-appreciated sports teams on campus.
Left: First-year men's tennis player Atanas Atanasov from Haskovo, Bulgaria. Contributed Photo.

International student athletes face challenges, find community in sports programs

Nick Wood April 28, 2011

On top of the regular stresses of balancing academics and athletics, international student athletes face the additional burdens of both adapting to life abroad and competing in a new environment. JP...

Women’s golf finishes in second place

Tyler Hurlburt April 28, 2011
The Whitman women's golf team placed second at the NWC conference championship to secure a second place finish in the overall conference standings.
Leading first-year golfer Katie Zijacek practices her drive.  Photo Credit: Ethan Parrish

Women’s golf looks to the top

Tyler Hurlburt April 6, 2011
A young but talented women's golf team aims to make a run for the top of the conference.
Tate Head ‘13 and Caitlin Holland ‘13 practice at the Walla Walla Country Club before the Sept. 18-19 Pacific Women's Golf Invitational. Photo Credit: Brandon Fennell

Women’s golf team looks ahead to promising season

lindsayfairchild September 23, 2010
A look into Whitman's women's golf team and their fall 2010 season.
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