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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Dear white LGBTQIA+ community

Alanna Sherman, Columnist September 30, 2021

All human beings with marginalized identities are worthy of love and compassion, but is important to acknowledge that we can be at once marginalized, and still hold identities that grant us powers of the...

Culture of color blindness: Privilege hinders discussion of diversity

Culture of color blindness: Privilege hinders discussion of diversity

Emily Lin-Jones April 26, 2012
Like many of its peer institutions, Whitman doesn’t hesitate to emphasize its commitment to diversity. Diversity is currently the focus of Whitman’s application supplement writing prompt, and the word pervades much of the college’s advertising literature. And according to the Whitman website, the Whitman experience “involves deep and lasting learning in an academic community comprised of people with varied experiences and global perspectives.” Yet for many students, that ideal hasn’t yet been realized on campus.

Our privilege goes beyond our skin color

April 26, 2012
We should reflect on our experiences with privilege here at Whitman, and in the wider community. Rather than try to fix the problem at Whitman, we should accept our situation and use it to help those around us.
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