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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman’s Institutional Resources for Sexual Violence Fall Short

Whitman’s Institutional Resources for Sexual Violence Fall Short

Erfan Vaezpour, Science and Environment Writer December 12, 2024

Sexual violence transcends geographic, cultural and institutional boundaries and its impact is deeply felt within the Whitman community. To address this issue, Whitman relies heavily on the student-led...

Filling pains: Student access to prescription medication

Anabelle Dillard, News Writer March 3, 2022

Figuring out how to fill and manage prescriptions can be a major challenge for Whitman students, especially those who come from out of state.  One option is the Welty Health Center, which can prescribe...

Whitman’s health services are in shambles and students are suffering

Hailey Livingston, Columnist November 18, 2021

Last week, I made my way to the health center for the first time since returning to campus. I had to get a COVID-19 test, nothing serious, just a quick in and out visit. When I got there, there was a line...

Students speak out on decreased Welty Health Center hours

Isabella Hunter, Campus Life Reporter November 18, 2021

Whitman previously ranked in the Princeton Review as having the second-best college health center in the nation, due in part to its long hours. The Welty Health Center used to be open to students 24/7...

Illustration by Paloma Link.

Availability of counseling and healthcare on Whitman campus

Anabelle Dillard, News Reporter November 18, 2021

As many college students know, maintaining positive mental health during the school year can be challenging. Whitman’s main resource for mental health is the Counseling Center, but students relying...

Aldahleh Seeks Support for Possible EMS Program

Andy Monserud, Investigative Director December 4, 2016

A first-year ASWC senator is in the process of creating a student-run volunteer emergency medical service. Omar Aldahleh began work on planning a service that would provide rapid-response aid to minor...

Photo by Tywen Kelly

Students Dissatisfied with Health Center Experiences

Georgia Lyon May 5, 2016
Whitman’s Health Center is ranked tenth in the nation by the Princeton Review and touts a wide array of services, yet some students have been placed in danger due to poor diagnoses and advice received there.

Missing the Sun: Change of Season Affects Student Health and Well-being

Claire Ommen, Features Writer December 3, 2015
As the semester nears its end, the general health of the Whitman campus is nearing its low-point for the year. Factors such as stress, season, weather and sleep patterns, are all reaching their peak affect upon students.
Credit: Marie von Hafften

IM athletes help set health record straight

Molly Emmett November 10, 2011
While fall IM Football may have wrapped for the season, concerns remain that the Welty Health Center falls short when it comes to caring for non-varsity athletes.

Diagnosing Whitman

Alyssa Fairbanks November 10, 2011
Students sound off about campus health care and Welty center responds to concerns over treatment.

Welty Health Center receives mixed reviews from students

Kinsey White November 10, 2011
The Welty Health Center, open to students 24 hours a day and recently ranked second in the nation by the Princeton Review for best college health center, receives mixed reviews from students. Claudia Ness, director of the health center, says it aims above all to keep the entirety of the Whitman student population healthy while continuing to expand their services.
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