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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Photo by Andy the Photographer.

What’s new at two of Walla Walla’s libraries?

Sebastian Squire, News Reporter March 2, 2023

Located just a few blocks away from Whitman campus, the Walla Walla Public library is housed in a 52-year-old building. The age of this building can show, as it leaks when it snows and grass grows...

Mike Hammond: the Muffler Man

Alissa Antilla, Staff Reporter November 17, 2016

Stepping into Melody Muffler, an unexpected collision of an automotive shop and art gallery, is like entering a whole new world. This world is a culmination of disparate elements of artist, musician and...

English Professor's Latest Novel Inspired by Love of Pacific Northwest

English Professor’s Latest Novel Inspired by Love of Pacific Northwest

River Sterne September 19, 2013
English Professor and author Scott Elliott found inspiration for his newest novel "Temple Grove" in the heart of the Pacific Northwest. This is his second novel, following "Coiled in the Heart." Elliott gave a reading of "Temple Grove" at the Walla Walla Public Library on Wednesday, Sept. 18.
Illustration by Eduardo Vazquez

Big Idea Talks

Maegan Nelson April 11, 2013
For the past few weeks, several “Big Idea Talks” posters have been covering the campus grounds, advertising a first-time collaboration between the Walla Walla Public Library and Whitman faculty to give a series of locally-themed lectures open to the public. The talks, given by faculty members such as Senior Lecturer of Environmental Humanities/General Studies Don Snow and Grace Farnsworth Phillips Professor of Geology and Environmental Studies Bob Carson, focus on the theme of what needs to be done in the future to keep Walla Walla a wonderful place to live.
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