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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Credit: von Hafften

Fine Arts House shelters creativity, passion

Mallory Martin October 13, 2011
Fine Arts House residents deliver the lowdown on the house's atmosphere and "clashing well" with other creative people.
Various artists working out of the Walla Walla Foundry use wax models as intermediates for their sculptures.  The floating bust is Kanye West. Credit: Kendra Klag

Foundry enriches Walla Walla’s artistic identity

Kate Robinette March 10, 2011

The Walla Walla Foundry, established in 1980 by Mark Anderson '78, casts and fabricates contemporary fine arts. Offering digital operations, casting, fabrication and design services, the foundry employs...

Museum in Use: The Davis Collection of Asian Art finds home, benefits students

Kate Robinette March 3, 2011
Asian art collection donated to the college in 1984 is now stored accessibly and displayed regularly in Olin's Asian Studies Center.
Credit: Ben Lerchin

Spotlight: Book Arts push artistic boundaries

Kate Robinette February 3, 2011
Whitman Book Arts students are keeping the touchable and beautiful handmade book alive amid the growth of computerized media.
Pirouette.  Photo Credit: Isabel Hong

Sculptures on Campus

Nate Lessler September 30, 2010
A&E writer Nate Lessler looks at the history and the inspiration behind the prominent sculptures on campus.

Winter student art salon provides opportunity for non-majors

merrettkrahn November 17, 2009
Not only do non-studio art majors get the chance to show their work, but the winter salon show also features contributions from the Walla Walla community.
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