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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Visiting Professors Balance Uncertainty, Passion

Visiting Professors Balance Uncertainty, Passion

Andy Monserud February 13, 2014
Among the various types of faculty on the Whitman campus, the visiting professor holds an unusual place. Though most stay for only one year, there always seem to be plenty around.

Meet the Visiting Professors

Isabel Mills September 19, 2013
Discover the history and hobbies of several visiting professors.
The Secret Lives of Professors

The Secret Lives of Professors

Karah Kemmerly September 19, 2013
Find out what some of your professors do when they're not teaching classes. The Pioneer interviews artist professors, visiting professors and the 2013 winner of the Alumni Association Faculty Award for Service.

Fine arts departments welcome new professors

Mallory Martin September 13, 2012

The performing arts around campus just got a facelift with three new professors joining the Whitman team. Coming to us from around the country and the world, these gentlemen will have plenty to contribute...

Illustration: Jung Song

Mellon Grant funds tenure positions

Rose Woodbury November 10, 2011
Last June, Whitman was awarded a $644,000 grant from the Andrew J. Mellon Foundation that will allow eight faculty positions to be converted to tenure-track over a four-year period.
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